An Interview with blogger Connie Cao from K is for Kani

burgundy wine rose crown -maroon floral statement headpiece, santa monica, festival crown, oversize rose.
Sources: K is for Kani

If you're not familiar by now with the adored fashion blog, K is for Kani, then you will certainly be adding it to your favourites after reading this feature! 

The blog is run by the extremely talented (and multi-tasking) 21-year-old Connie Cao, who is based in Melbourne, Australia.

Connie states that she is a student by day, and a blogger and handcrafter by night, and one can only wonder how this stylish beauty finds the time to achieve as much as she already has in such a short time-span. 

Connie also has an Etsy store, where she creates unique and one-off "floral headpieces inspired by nature & days gone by".

Whim Online Magazine was lucky enough to have a little chat to the blogger recently, discussing topics such as fashion, K is for Kani, and the daily life of Connie Cao.

Q: When did you first begin your blog, K is for Kani?
A: I began it just over three years ago. I had just started university studying Commerce/Law however I had always loved fashion and wanted to be in touch with my creative side. 

Q: What first inspired you to create your blog?
A: My passion for styling and photography. 

Q: What opportunities has your blog opened up for you? Is there one in particular that is your favourite moment?
A: One of my favourite moments would be partnering with one of my favourite Australian magazines - Peppermint Magazine. I was featured as the cover girl of their 16th issue. Peppermint magazine has always been an inspiring read and has always encouraged me to make eco-friendly choices whenever I can. So for that, I thank them and I feel so honoured to be on their cover! 

Q: Describe an average day in the life of Connie Cao 
A: I'm always either studying (I still study full time), working in my home studio on my etsy shop creating handmade headpieces or blogging. Every few days I take a gym class and see my boyfriend and friends. 

Q: Who, or what, influences your unique fashion style the most?
A: Everything! Inspiration never comes from one place for me.

To view Connie's blog, K is for Kani, click here. You can also take a look at her beautifully hand-crafted floral headpieces, as well as her Instagram and Facebook page, both of which she updates on a regular basis with gorgeous photography and K is for Kani news.