An Interview with Photographer Michelle Knowles

Let us introduce one of our most favourite photographers to you: Michelle Knowles from Michelle Fleur Photography based in Brisbane, Australia.
It is impossible not to fall in love with the talented photographer's images when looking through her portfolio, and as a result, Whim could not pass up the opportunity to ask Michelle some questions about her life and her impressive work.
Q: When did your passion for photography first blossom? 
A: Fairly recently actually! I can’t say that I’m one of those people who has carried a camera around since childhood. No, definitely not. My passion for photography has been a gradual unfurling. I don’t really know when it began. I started using photography a lot during my fine arts degree in order to document my performance work. So my interest probably blossomed then. That was a few years ago now…I finished my degree in 2010.

Q: What is it about photography that you love most?
A: There are two things. Firstly, the actual shoot which involves meeting new people and going on little adventures with my subjects, make up artists and hair stylists. Secondly, editing. I find it so satisfying!
Q: What concepts or emotions do you love to portray through your photography?
A: There are three words that I use to describe my ‘style’ – whimsical, romantic, and dreamy. My shoots don’t always fit into these categories but I definitely have a penchant for the soft and ‘pretty’. And there are almost always flowers involved! Occasionally I will find myself wanting more from a shoot and ideas will evolve through collaboration with models and the makeup/hair stylists. I try to give my sitters what they want, even if it’s totally ‘out there’! But really, most approach me because of the romantic style that has evolved through my past shoots. 
Q: Describe an average day in the life of Michelle Knowles? 
A: There is no such thing as an average day! My life is an unruly little adventure! I do spend a lot of time alone in my own space with my own thoughts. I edit every day. I shoot every 3 or 4 days. I go thrift store shopping once a week. I make props and accessories and dream up new ideas. I garden, cook, clean and do all those mundane things an adult human must do also. I read, watch crappy TV and try to keep out of mischief. Oh, and Facebook and blog! I do those things too! 
Q: What do you hope to achieve with your photography in the near future? Any exciting plans?
A: I don’t quite know. I’ve dedicated 2013 to getting better at what I do. I’ve been working my butt off learning everything I can over the past several months and I’ve improved dramatically. I feel confident with my images. I like them, and other people like them, and that’s pretty awesome! So now I’d like to take the next step and really push Michelle Fleur Photography ahead in terms of the business side of things. This will be a huge challenge and learning curve but I’m totally up for it! I like taking pictures and I’d really like to be able to do that for a living. Bring on the future, I say!
If you would like to view the rest of Michelle's beautiful portfolio, you can visit her website or Facebook page. Don't forget to give the Michelle Fleur Photography page a 'like' so you can keep updated with all of her whimsical and wonderful works.