The Writer's Edit

Image by ~Eirian-stock

Attention all book lovers and creative writers! You'll definitely want to make The Writer's Edit your new best friend. The Writer's Edit aims to "provide all book lovers - writers and readers alike, with a unique platform for the best creative writing." We love this website because it provides us with some of our most favourite things in the one place: book reviews, author interviews, the latest news, writing resources and advice from experienced and published writers.

The Writer's Edit is run by a small and dedicated team of reading and writing enthusiasts. The website states: "We want writers and readers from all walks of life to contribute to the community we're trying to build, whether it's to tell us about a phenomenal book they've just read, a story they've just written, an article suggestion, or a quirky cafe they've been to that's great to work from... We want to hear about it all."

Here at Whim, we often receive fantastic creative writing submissions as contributions to our digital magazine issues, and it is always our pleasure to read through each and every one of them and to be transported to another place or time. We understand that a large portion of the Whim audience are either book lovers or creative writers, and that is why we thoroughly recommend you check out The Writer's Edit! Why not add it to your bookmarks bar as a constant source of writing inspiration, advice and industry news? The best part is that The Writer's Edit welcomes submissions from fellow creative writing enthusiasts, and it is a great platform to showcase your own work on.

To view The Writer's Edit website, you can click here. You can also keep updated with the website, plus the latest and greatest literary news, by 'liking' The Writer's Edit on Facebook - Enjoy!

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