Featured Photographer + Interview: Kristopher Dobbins

Kristopher Dobbins is a 20-year-old photographer based in Kilgore, Texas. We're always hugely inspired by talented, young creatives who are already pursuing their dreams, and this is why we could not wait to showcase Kristopher's work to our readers.
The photographer explains: "This art form is a deep passion of mine; trying to capture every memorable moment or creating a photograph that expresses my passion through my dream like imagination."
Kristopher's photographs cover an array of subjects and styles, and it is this versatility and love of all areas of photography that we're sure will see the young photographer go very far in his career. Whim was lucky enough to interview Kristopher, asking all about his passion for the art form, as well as his hopes and dreams for the not-too-distant future.
Q: When did you first discover your love of photography?
A: I first discovered my love for photography in late 2012; I was taking a photography class in College and we were using 35mm film. I was only taking the class because it was required for my major, so I would procrastinate in the class because the processing and developing part seemed a bit intimidating. I finally sucked it up and made my first print; processing the film and developing the print by hand made me feel really proud and made me appreciate it more; ever since then I switched my major to photography and it became a part of me, my passion and my inspiration. 

Q: What concepts or emotions do you often like to portray through your photography?
A: I honestly love to switch it up, I never like to have one main concept or try to have one emotional feel to my work, since I am a very diverse shooter; shooting from news photos for newspapers, fine art for galleries, sports for teams all the way to shooting look books for models and local stores. I just like to switch it up all the time. I am still a student and I am learning, so I am not too worried about having a style just yet, so I will try to switch it up as much as I can before I try to determine a style of my own. 
Q: What does an average day in the life of Kristopher involve?
A: The average day in the life of Kristopher as a College Student and photographer is pretty busy, but very exciting. I am always trying to beat a deadline for our school newspaper since I am the staff photographer, and while doing this I am busy studying and eating at any possible time I can get; Ever second counts! I also do senior shoots and local businesses' photos from local clothing stores and hair salons too, and the weekend I am at a sporting event shooting for football teams or drill team moms. So pretty much my average day includes photography and school work.
Q: What is the best piece of photography advice you’ve ever heard or been given?
A: "Treat everyone you are shooting with the same respect and dignity, even if you are shooting a janitor treat it as if you were shooting the CEO." 
Q: What do you hope to achieve with your photography in the near future – do you have any exciting, upcoming plans?
A: I am preparing to transfer to an art school to finish up my BFA in Photography and in the future I hope to become a main house fashion and gallery photographer; I even would not mind starting as an assistant for a fashion photographer for a while to get a feel for the industry. I also would not mind shooting for big time sport magazines and networks. 
We highly recommend you have a look through the rest of Kristopher's portfolio, either on his website, or his Flickr photostream. You can also like the Kristopher Dobbins Collection Facebook page in order to support the emerging photographer.
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