An Interview with RAW Sydney Visual Artist of the Year 2013: Christina Huynh

Christina Huynh is an artist with a vision; to depict the beauty of humanity in contrast to the natural world. Working out of the suburbs of western Sydney under the cover of 'Styna', Christina utilises the materials of water colour and ball point pen to produce artworks that sing with life and energy.
Imagination is Christina's most powerful tool, as she states "I love that art can be anything you want it to be. It can be as simple as seeing something you like and drawing your version of it. But then knowing it’s whatever you want it to be and I guess that’s where it gets interesting!"
Whim is proud to present you with this artist's impressive collection of wonderful, inspired creations, with Christina recently being crowned 'Raw Sydney's Visual Artist of 2013'. With the work we have seen so far, we are certain the future is looking very bright for this creative spirit. Whim recently chatted to the talented artist to congratulate her on her recent RAW Sydney success, and to ask her all about her dreams for the near future:
Q: Congratulations on winning first place in the visual art category! Please tell us, what have you loved the most about your RAW Sydney experience? 
A: Thanks fellas! I think it’s safe to say I loved everything about the experience, from walk-thru til the end. It feels like the whole thing happened real fast. I loved meeting new people and loved actually seeing for myself the way people admire my work. I mean; everything just started off with me drawing generic things like skulls, birds, flowers, fish (lots of fish) – I never really expected people to take to it how they did the night of Raw Sydney Translations. Also, this was the first gig I’ve ever been scouted in. I had one major goal this year, and that was to exhibit my work. Raw Translations was my first showcase so I think the overall experience will hold a lot of sentimental value to me in the future. 
Q: What was your initial reaction when you heard the news that you would go on to represent Sydney in your category? 
A: I remember it like it was just yesterday (even though it was like last week). I was close to finishing work and was in the backroom of the store checking and hoping for good mail. Then when I saw “Congratulations” in the subject line of a couple emails, I was so excited I couldn’t even respond when my workmates were asking me what was wrong! I didn’t read the emails right away because I was preserving that feeling of excitement - I never vacuumed so enthusiastically before. 
Q: When did you first discover your love of art? 
A: I first discovered my love for art when I believed in myself that it was something I could realistically accomplish as a career. I’m not exactly sure when I made the conscious decision but I think it was during that period of my life when I just finished a degree in B. Design – Visual Communication and was sitting around most days thinking about what it was that I really wanted to do. I’ve always enjoyed making art but the love for it has definitely intensified in the past year. In a sense, it’s all still very raw. (See what I did there!) 
Q: What inspires your creativity the most? 
A: I feel like a lot of my ‘good’ ideas have come from chance more than I like. A lot of the time it comes with the process of doing and adding things in along the way. Inspiration is spontaneous but what you choose to do with it is entirely up to you. 
Q: What do you hope to achieve with your art career in the near future – are there any exciting, upcoming plans that you would like to share with us? 
A: At the moment, art life in 2014 is looking really exciting! There are lots of cool projects coming up to start the year off. I don’t want to spill the beans too much otherwise I’ll look like a ninny if it falls through. Although if I can get enough personal pieces done I’m looking at having a solo exhibition at the end of 2014!
To take a look at Christina's full collection of stunning artworks, head to Art by Styna's Facebook page and make sure to stop by her blog while you are at it. These dreamy designs are something you cannot miss a peak at! You can also support emerging artists by 'liking' the RAW Sydney and RAW Australia Facebook pages.

- Lucinda

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