Featured Photographer: Chiara Cianniello

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Chiara Cianniello is a student and passionate, emerging photographer based in Italy. She explains: "photography has been my passion for many years and this year probably my future, in fact, [I'll] be attending a course in photojournalism, to reconcile it with my other love, writing."
Chiara has previously worked as an Editor of several local newspapers, however she states that she is ready for her career to evolve into something that she is truly passionate about - "telling stories, beautiful, charming, unknown fairytales" through her photography.

Chaira's photographs capture the natural beauty that surrounds her, whether it be the vast ocean, or the rolling hills that crowd the skyline. Each image really does capture a magical moment in time, and it is photographs such as these that people often treasure, or are drawn to, the most. 
To view more photographs from Chiara's collection, you can visit her Flickr. Chiara also has an impressive PhotoVogue portfolio, and you can view this by clicking here
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