Featured Photographer: Cristóbal Escanilla

We've been receiving some fantastic photography submissions over the last month, and Cristóbal Escanilla is another photographer whose work really did fill us with awe upon our first glances of his portfolio.
Cristóbal's photography has been featured in numerous publications and websites, including Softskin Fanzine, Electru, Shooting Film and The Quiet Front. The talented 24-year-old from Santiago, Chile, also enjoys creating stunning short videos, and you can check these out here
Whether it is Cristóbal's soft-hued images of girls frolicking lazily in nature, or his sun-drenched images of beautiful landscapes, the photographer's work is truly inspirational, making us want to pick up our own cameras and go for a long walk!
We're sure you'll fall as head-over-heels in love with Cristóbal's photography as we did by visiting his Flickr photostream and website. You can also keep updated with the photographer's work by liking his photography Facebook page. Enjoy!
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