Featured Photoshoot: 'Primavera' by Sabrina Danielle

Source: Sabrina Danielle

Models: Morgan and Megan Murphy
Clothing: vintage Kimono robes

We love receiving photoshoot submissions, especially when they have such a beautiful story behind them. Sabrina Danielle is a talented twenty-four year old Miami-based photographer with a Bachelor of the Fine Arts major. Apart from being able to take breathtaking images such as those in her 'Primavera' shoot featured above, the young creative also has a real knack for writing poetry to accompany her images. Below is the beautiful poem that Sabrina wrote to accompany today's featured photoshoot:

Flora and Chloris, two of the same
Goddesses of Spring with different names
the sun colors their flesh like that of honey
in their garden, eternally sunny...

Pale Chloris and Bright Flora
started as two, now become one
For Chloris has blossomed as
a gale bellows their robes and their
twin souls form one.

Sabrina states that her shoot was inspired by Renaissance painter Sandro Botticelli's painting titled 'Primavera', which is also known as the 'Allegory of Spring'. The photographer's other inspirations include art history, fairy tales, poetry mythology, dreams and "anything with beautiful imagery."

We love the stunning location of this shoot, as well as the models' pretty, vintage attire and the dreamy mood of the images. Sabrina explains that capturing the right mood is extremely important to her work, stating: "I want my audience to be immersed in an alternative reality when viewing my work. Two of my favourite words: ethereal and ephemeral, are two elements I try to keep in my style of work."

Not just an extremely gifted photographer and writer, Sabrina also enjoys styling all of her shoots using thrifted garments and custom-made items. We've become huge fans of Sabrina's whimsical and dreamy work since being introduced to it, and cannot wait to see what the future holds for her photography.

To view more impressive images from this photographer, you can visit her Tumblr. We know you'll be blown away by how gorgeous her images are, so we also recommend 'liking' her Facebook page and following her on Instagram in order to keep updated with all of her pretty new photographs.
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