An Interview with Blogger Call Me Mimi

All images taken by Milla Kirk Photography

"How does a girl that has travelled the world for the past 10 years with a successful entertainment company start a new life that is just as exciting?" asks Mimi, the blogger behind Call Me Mimi. Her answer? Start a blog of course!
Mimi is a 30-something year old who has the very frantic yet rewarding job of looking after the health and physical well-being of elite performers and athletes. Her blog, Call Me Mimi, is Mimi's latest adventure in life, helping her to discover and share her own personal style with her readers, as well as to share fashion trends, tips and tricks. Whim was lucky enough to ask the emerging blogger about her personal style and what inspires her in her day-to-day life:
Q: When did you first begin your blog Call Me Mimi, and what was the inspiration behind starting it?
A: I first began Call Me Mimi 8 months ago while sitting in a hotel room in Japan. I have been on the road for many years for my work in the entertainment industry and started some soul searching. I had been fortunate to follow my dreams working around the world but now it was time to think about settling down and doing what I think about most of the time. This took strength because honestly what I thought about was style, fashion and how to best feel great in them. It was a far departure from my current job. So the blog started to take shape to share my style ideas and maybe help inspire people with my simple style aesthetic but with a contemporary edge. I have drawn much inspiration from the fashions around the world and it really surprised me how different trends were either accepted or not depending on what country you were in. I actually fund Europe quite conservative but classic and Asia the craziest. 
Q: How would you describe your style?
A: My style is ever evolving and as a woman I feel we all have the right to change our minds on how we dress depending on how we feel. I tend to keep coming back to good quality basics. Jeans and t-shirt can look amazing with great shoes and a statement necklace for example. I don't over accessorize or over complicate my outfits. I think I invest most of my money into great shoes and pieces I know will stand the test of time. My favourite brands are J-Brand, Lover, Saba, Jimmy Choo, Sass and Bide and Lululemon. Kind of a cross section of styles but they can all work together and into my everyday wardrobe. 
Q: What inspires your creativity the most?
A: Seeing my friends find a great piece for their wardrobe and wearing it over and over because it makes them feel so good and comfortable. Travelling also inspires me. I love Aussie designers but I also love to bring back a piece of clothing that I know no one will have in Australia and then it reminds me of a place and time in my life. 
Q: What does an average day in the life of Mimi involve?
A: When I am on the road with work my life is quite hectic. I live and work with everyone I work with so some days I have no idea what city I am in. Some days we are in the most gorgeous hotel and some days, lets just say it's not so glamorous and I can't wait to the next hotel. I love to find some regularity and often that is just finding a Starbucks so I can check back in online with my friends and family back home. Then I like to check out fellow bloggers from O/S and Australia and see their inspirations. I also love to people watch. And the best inspiration is often the crazy and adorable people I work with. Entertainers have the best style and are always on trend. I look at this and adapt it to work for me. I then head to work and take care of the health of the performers and when I get back to my hotel, this is the time I usually sit down and hash out blog ideas. When I am back in Aus, I love to spend a lot of time close to the beach. Take my dog for a walk or paddling on my Stand Up Paddle Board. Right now I am on a break from work and spending the time researching NYFW and PFW. I can't wait to see what trends emerge at Melbourne Fashion Week. 
Q: What advice would you give to those who are also looking to start their own fashion blog?
A: I am still learning and still evolving everyday. So my advice to others is the advice for myself. Research, research, research. Find your own style and own it. Try not to be anyone else out there. Find your voice and be proud of it. And most of all..Just go for it. It won't be perfect but it will be you. 
You can read more inspirational posts from Mimi over at her blog, where the stylish blogger also shares her favourite outfits and fashion tips - it is well worth the read! You can also keep up-to-date with the blog by liking Call Me Mimi on Facebook or following on Instagram.
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