Thursday Dragons Art Exhibition at Hurstville Museum & Gallery

Above: A close-up of "Hydrangeas" by Christine Miller
Above: Artworks by Christine Miller (far left) and Susan Ghosn (right)
Above: Artworks by Susan Ghosn
Above: Artworks by Christine Miller
Above: Cards and postcards of artworks by Susan Ghosn, Christine Miller and Brigitte de Vere
Above: The talented artists; Christine Miller (left), Susan Ghosn (centre) and Brigitte de Vere (right)

Last Saturday on the 3rd of May, I attended my local art gallery for the Thursday Dragons Art Exhibition opening. Not only was it wonderful to support the amazing artwork of one of my dearest friend's mother, Susan Ghosn, but it was also great being introduced to the stunning work of two of her close friends and art class partners - Christine Miller and Brigitte de Vere.
The exhibition's event page explains: "All born in the year of the Dragon, the three local artists meet on Thursdays to engage in art activites and spirited discussions of creativity and life. This exhibition displays their Thursday works as well as those painted individually, but guided by "Dragon spirit."
There was a lovely mixture of watercolours, incredibly realistic portraits, beautiful close-ups of flowers and even some surrealist works, and not surprisingly the opening of the Thursday Dragons Exhibition drew quite a crowd! 
All three artists had also produced packs of cards and postcards featuring smaller prints of their works, and these proved to be extremely popular amongst those who attended the gallery on the day - Particularly as they served as the most perfect cards for birthdays and even Mothers Day which is just around the corner!
Overall it was a fantastic evening of inspiring speeches by the three artists, as well as a selection of some of the most beautiful and unique artworks I have ever had the pleasure of seeing in person! I highly encourage those living in Sydney to find some time between now and the 25th of May to visit the Hurstville Museum & Gallery to see more amazing artworks by the Thursday Dragons art class. You can view more information about the event here. Enjoy!
Best wishes,
Editor / Founder