Featured Photoshoot: 'Catching Sirens' by IndieMoon Photography

1.Tempests Trumpet 2. Forget your legs and your previous life 3. A Tragic Fin 4. But I'm CaughtClick for source:

Today's breath-taking and stunning series of images tells an intriguing story: "Here is a set that tells the short, tragic tale of a free water creature that becomes ensnared by the ropes of her own fear, doubts and self deprecation. The story ends with her standing on two legs, bound by the monotonous reality she must now face," explains photographer Macie Moon of IndieMoon Photography.

We love water-themed photoshoots, especially when they take on beautiful, mythology-inspired tales such as the one described above. Macie is not only a fantastic word-smith, but she is also an extremely talented photographer, and her portfolio showcases some of the most amazing images and concepts we have ever seen; Girls grow from the ground like plants, beauties frolic among vibrant blooms, and butterflies, baby goats and inquisitive cats make an appearance.

IndieMoon Photography is based in the Sandhills of North Carolina and Macie states, "My motto for my self taught work is that I try to create Versace sized ideas on a dollar menu budget." If the stunning images Macie has already been creating have been on a 'dollar menu budget', then we certainly take our hats off to the photographer. Trust us, this talent is the one to watch!

To view more wonderful work by Macie, you can head over to the IndieMoon Photography Facebook page, and don't forget to show some love by giving it a 'like'! You can also visit Macie's photography on Flickr. Enjoy!