Featured Photographer: Carlos Bracho

Carlos Bracho Whim Online Magazine 1 Carlos Bracho Whim Online Magazine 2 Carlos Bracho Whim Online Magazine 3 Carlos Bracho Whim Online Magazine 4Source: Carlos Bracho

The intriguing photographs of Carlos Bracho not only look good, but they also have a story to tell. His emotive and creative projects cannot help but stir something deep inside of you, and these are the true signs of amazing work.

Carlos is a fine art photographer from Panama who although is just 24 years of age has already been pursuing photography for over 5 years. Just glancing through his portfolio is a visual treat for the eyes, and we couldn't wait to share a preview of his work with you.

Carlos explains: "From objects to landscape, then friends and finally characters who personify my experiences, and how I see people interact and struggle with their life. I'm actually a Biotechnologist, so my passion has always been conected with nature and the way we are deeply conected with it, so with most of my images, I blend stories of men and women who has in some way, something to tell, and they just feel confortable being surrounded by nature."

"Those characters cannot get away with their essence, so even if they have a story to tell, either is loss or nostalgia, that story is told from the inside, expelled in the woods, allowing them to heal slowly," the photographer adds.

We encourage you to view more amazing photographs by Carlos through visiting his website, Facebook page or Flickr photostream. You can also keep up-to-date with his work through following the photographer on Instagram (@brachh). Enjoy!