Featured Photographer: Effendy Setiady / Fen.d.Art

Effendy Setiady Photography on Whim Online Magazine 1 Effendy Setiady Photography on Whim Online Magazine 2 Effendy Setiady Photography on Whim Online Magazine 3 Effendy Setiady Photography on Whim Online Magazine 4 Effendy Setiady Photography on Whim Online Magazine 5
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Effendy Setiady of Fen.d.Art is a talented young photographer who was born in Medan, Indonesia, but now resides in Sydney, Australia. Pursuing the medium since 2009, Effiady is completely self-taught, however looking through his portfolio will have you thinking otherwise - His range of fashion, wedding, and kids / baby photographs are charismatic, vibrant and utterly dreamy.

"I am a freelance photographer who is willing to do almost any kinds of photography jobs. It is my hobby and making money through your hobby is something that everyone always dreamt of," Effendy explains.

We encourage you to view more amazing work by the talented creative (including his most recent venture - making wedding animations) and you can do so by visiting his website, Facebook page or Instagram. Enjoy!

What do you love the most about Effendy's work? We'd love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below!