Featured Photoshoot + Interview: 'I've Been Waiting' by Bree Hart Photography

'I've Been Waiting' by Bree Hart Photography on Whim Online Magazine 1 'I've Been Waiting' by Bree Hart Photography on Whim Online Magazine 2 'I've Been Waiting' by Bree Hart Photography on Whim Online Magazine 3 'I've Been Waiting' by Bree Hart Photography on Whim Online Magazine 4 'I've Been Waiting' by Bree Hart Photography on Whim Online Magazine 5 'I've Been Waiting' by Bree Hart Photography on Whim Online Magazine 6 'I've Been Waiting' by Bree Hart Photography on Whim Online Magazine 7 'I've Been Waiting' by Bree Hart Photography on Whim Online Magazine 8 'I've Been Waiting' by Bree Hart Photography on Whim Online Magazine 9 'I've Been Waiting' by Bree Hart Photography on Whim Online Magazine 10 'I've Been Waiting' by Bree Hart Photography on Whim Online Magazine 11 'I've Been Waiting' by Bree Hart Photography on Whim Online Magazine 12 'I've Been Waiting' by Bree Hart Photography on Whim Online Magazine 13
Source / Photographer: Bree Hart Photography (@breehart)
Model: Erica Fletcher (@iamericafletcher)
Styling: Eliza Murray  (@elizajmurray)
HMUA: Tamash Sharkan


Bree's beautifully understated photography has been featured here on the Whim website before, so today we are excited to present not just a new editorial by the talented photographer, but also a short interview with Bree herself about her inspirations and dreams for the future:


Q: When did your love of photography first bloom?A: In high school I bought my first camera phone. It sounds silly, but I didn’t realise how much I loved taking photos until I bought this phone and just started constantly taking pictures and editing them (too much) on my computer. When my passion for live music and photography started to grow, my parents bought me my first SLR camera and I started taking it to live shows. In year 12 my photography major work was exhibited in ArtExpress, and I think that’s when I knew I wanted to pursue this for a living!

Q: What inspires your creativity the most?A: Beautiful people are what inspire me the most creatively, and I think that is why my photography gravitated towards fashion and portraiture.Q: Please tell us a little about the experience you had whilst shooting these images?A: This was actually the first fashion shoot I was ever involved with. I had never worked with a professional model before and Erica is still one of the most inspiring models I’ve worked with to this day. My camera couldn’t keep up with her! Eliza is an incredible stylist and I was lucky to meet her and have her trust me enough to take me on board! I am very fond of this shoot because of how new and fresh I was to fashion photography and the fact that I am still so proud of these shots.Q: What does an average day in the life of Bree involve?A: A lot of cooking, eating, puppy videos and tea!Q: What do you hope to achieve with your work in the not-too-distant future; Do you have any upcoming, exciting plans that you would like to share with us?A: I’d like to start collaborating with more magazines and stylists and create more editorial work for publication! I have lots of shoots coming up that I'm really excited about and hope to share them as soon as possible!


Please head on over to Bree’s website and Tumblr to see more of her beautiful images. You can also keep up-to-date with Bree’s work and get some behind-the-scenes sneak-peeks by following her on Instagram (@breehart). Enjoy!