Enter our Issue 9 Cover Competition! Starts December 12th
Would you love to have your photograph on the cover of our next digital issue for thousands of readers to admire?
Don’t have a photoshoot in the next digital issue? It doesn’t matter! For the first time ever we are offering EVERYONE the chance to try their luck at having their photography featured on the cover of Issue 9. Not just that, but the winning photographer will also have an interview and links to their work published inside the issue in a special feature.
The other great news is that 3 other lucky runners-up will also have the chance to have their entries featured on a full-page inside the issue, along with short interviews with each of them so that our readers can get to know more about their work (and the links to where to find it!).
Are you interested? Please see below for guidelines and entry instructions!
How does the competition work?
From the 12th – 26th December 2014, entrants are able to email their chosen images (no more than 2 images per photographer) to whim.online@gmail.com for consideration.
On the 27th of December we will have reviewed all entries and narrowed these down to a select number of semi-finalists. Semi-finalists will be contacted on the 27th December and their images will be uploaded onto the Whim Facebook page where viewers (and the photographer’s family / friends / fans) are encouraged to vote for their favourite image(s) by ‘liking’ them.
This voting period will run from the 27th December – 8th January. On the 9th of January we will review the number of ‘likes’ on each image to see which image received the most amount of ‘likes’ / votes, making it the winner of the cover image competition. There will also be 3 lucky runners-up (in the case that there are no draws) – two of these runners-up will be the next two images which received the highest number of ‘likes’ / votes. The third runner-up will be an Editor’s Choice winner – an image that did not necessarily receive the highest number of votes but one that Whim’s Editor thought really resonated with what Whim is all about! The winner / runners-up will be contacted via email on the 9th January and they will also be announced on Whim’s Facebook page.
How can I enter?
Entrants are encouraged to email no more than 2 of their most whimsical / dreamy images suitable for the cover of our next digital issue to whim.online@gmail.com with the subject line ‘Whim Cover Competition’.
Entrants are encouraged to email low-resolution versions of their images (if they win, high-resolution images will then be requested). Feel free to also include some additional information about yourself (we love reading these!) as well as any links to your photography online (such as website, Facebook, Instagram etc.) - We’re always on the lookout for more photographers to follow on social media ;)
Do I have to be a photographer to enter?
Not at all! Although we think this is a fantastic competition for photographers to be involved in to boost their fan base and put their work ‘out there’ (while potentially landing the prestigious cover image!), absolutely anyone with a photograph they deem whimsical or dreamy can enter. By emailing an image to us for inclusion in the competition you are agreeing that the image is your own property and was captured by yourself.
Can models enter images of themselves even if they did not photograph it?
Models can enter images of themselves in this competition, however we request that they must have the written permission of the photographer to be able to use the image. We also ask that they credit the photographer accordingly in their email.
What happens if there is a draw (more than one image with the same number of highest votes by close of voting)?
If there are two images with the highest number of votes by close of voting then we will extend the competition by 24 hours where readers will vote for just one of these images to determine the winner. In the case of draws between runners-up, we will allow more than 3 runners-up to be included in the issue.
If I already have a photoshoot approved for publishing in Issue 9, can I still enter a photograph into this competition?
Absolutely! We just think it's best that the photograph you enter for consideration for the cover image is not one of the images that has already been approved for publishing in the issue (Because we usually just select an image from the submissions to be the cover and we want it to be a different selection process for Issue 9 thanks to this competition!)
How about if I've already had my photography featured on the Whim website or in a previous digital issue, can I still enter this competition?
You sure can! :)
The fine print:
This is a competition of skill and this competition is in no way associated with or endorsed by Facebook. Whim Online Magazine reserves the right to choose semi-finalists and the Editor’s Choice image based on the entries we feel achieve the desired aesthetic of our brand most successfully.
Are you unsure about anything or have some questions?
Please email whim.online@gmail.com and we will do our best to answer your query within 2 - 3 business days.