Introducing Pitchi: Empowering the Entrepreneurial Spirit through Online Video Selling

*This post was supported by Pitchi
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If you’re reading this post, chances are you’re a creative – a maker, seller or dreamer with an entrepreneurial spirit (as we know a large percentage of our audience are), or perhaps you just have an admirable love of unique goods and a belief in supporting smaller, independent businesses. Either way, you’re sure to love – an innovative online video selling platform, designed to help people sell and buy online in the most personal, engaging and interactive way.

One of the best parts is that absolutely anyone with an entrepreneurial dream can use the platform to sell their products to a mass audience…for FREE. Pitchi is dedicated whole-heartedly to helping young businesses and entrepreneurs, providing them with a tool for empowerment, support and connection.

Let’s face it, choosing to pursue your dreams of starting your own business can be hard (and scary at times). Sure there are resources to help us come up with business ideas and start the planning, but when it comes to trying to sell your wares or market them to a large audience, it’s certainly no walk in the park.

Embrace Your Inner Entrepreneur

That’s where Pitchi comes in, aiming to bridge the gap between buyers and sellers. Through pitching via video, sellers are able to forge a more personal connection with their customers, as each video pitch explores the story of what’s on sale.

The Pitchi Crew explain: “Selling online…consists of endless lists after lists of things for sale, so how could any young seller stand out from the crowd?

We felt that people should be able to sell as they would at a local market or if they had their own bricks and mortar store, forming a connection with each customer. This personal connection allows buyers to form a genuine appreciation for what’s on sale, which then inspires purchase.

The idea: Develop a free video pitching platform that allows sellers to pitch their stuff via video and on the flip side allows buyers to buy directly from that video pitch.

Video is a powerful tool that has the ability to make us laugh or cry, it captivates us, it inspires us. We believe that sellers should be given the chance to inspire and captivate their customers.

The above pitch from seller Inkstermaken is an excellent example of a Pitchi video. Seller Hugh is able to instantly connect to the viewer through sharing a snippet of his everyday life. We are introduced to Hugh and his business, before learning of the product he is pitching – a stunning, handmade flashlight pendant made from natural materials including South Australian limestone and reclaimed Oregon. By showcasing his process of how each pendant is created, we cannot help but be fascinated by his product. As a potential buyer, you suddenly understand the product a whole lot better, and are able to connect with it on a greater level than if it were just another motionless listing on any other site. You can’t help but have immense admiration for the level of skill and craftsmanship that Hugh dedicates to the product he is selling.

We encourage you to support this wonderful new platform that is Pitchi, through ‘liking’ Pitchi’s Facebook page or following on Instagram (@pitchicom). You can also check out their blog to learn more innovative entrepreneurs and their story.