Interview with a Creative Muse: Olivia Poncelet

Interview with a Creative Muse - Olivia Poncelet on Whim Online Magazine 1 Interview with a Creative Muse - Olivia Poncelet on Whim Online Magazine 2

A self-described "freelance creative", Olivia Poncelet of dabbles in all things wonderful, from photography to graphic design, illustration and styling. As part of our 'Interview with a Creative Muse' series, Whim recently interviewed the Belgium-based Olivia to ask her all about her blog, daily life and big dreams for the future.


Q: What inspired you to begin your blog?A: Once upon a time, Goldilocks discovered a wonderful book filled with images of Gil Elvgren. She thought: I also want to tell stories with beautiful pictures and make people dream. And so a few years later, she created her blog.

Interview with a Creative Muse - Olivia Poncelet on Whim Online Magazine 3

Q: How would you describe yourself in just three words?A: Funky, creative and ambitious.

Q: The photography on your blog is very pretty and whimsical! What inspired your creativity with photography?A: Thank you.In a large cooking pot, put a few lines from a fairy tale to boil, an ear of Tim Walker, some hair of Wes Anderson and a few notes of Philip Glass.Simmer. Filter. Drink.

Interview with a Creative Muse - Olivia Poncelet on Whim Online Magazine 4

Q: Please describe what an average day in the life of Olivia looks like?A: I awaken when the rooster crows, I peck some muesli stretching myself like a cat.I hop in a shower and I jump in my closet to create the outfit that will define my day.Then I am ready for:- Surf my favourite blogs- Communicate with my beloved customers- Prepare stagings of the photos I take- Go to dance.All this while listening to Agnes Obel, Craig Armstrong and Supertramp.

Interview with a Creative Muse - Olivia Poncelet on Whim Online Magazine 5

Q: What do you hope to achieve with both your blog and photography in the near future; Do you have any exciting, upcoming plans that you would like to share with us?A: In my crystal ball, I see ... a children's book, wedding photo reports, meeting a gnome, my photos printed on postcards. I also see a collaboration with SpottinStyle, many trips, adopt a dragonfly, a blog that grows every day a little more and last but not least, dance until my hundredth birthday.

Interview with a Creative Muse - Olivia Poncelet on Whim Online Magazine 6

We encourage you to view more wonderful work from Olivia by visiting her website. Olivia also shares her work on her Facebook page and Instagram (@ponceletolivia). Enjoy!