Interview with a Creative Muse: Mona Cordes

Interview with a Creative Muse - Mona Cordes on Whim Online Magazine 1

She's the German teenager who has big dreams of becoming a fashion designer and even at the tender age of 19, has already featured in impressive publications. With an Instagram account featuring insights into her intriguing creative life, she has attracted the hearts and imaginations of almost 3,000 followers on that platform alone.

We can't help but be utterly inspired by Mona Cordes' creativity and unique talent, so we recently invited her to join our 'Interview with a Creative Muse' series in the hope of shedding some more light on this dreamy individual.

Interview with a Creative Muse - Mona Cordes on Whim Online Magazine 2

Q: Please tell us a little about yourself and your interests?

A: I am a 19 year old girl, living in quite a small village in Germany. I am currently in my last year of school. I adore all the Arts which I studied at a college in the UK for a year. I love taking pictures a lot. My absolute passion lies within fashion. In my spare time I enjoy listening to old records, drawing plus drinking tea which is like the perfect combo of a lazy Sunday. During summer I like exploring hidden places by bicycle and listening to nice shoegazy tunes on the go.

Q: We understand that your are also about to start studying fashion design. What do you love the most about fashion design and why?

A: I feel like that with clothing you can express who you are without using words. Also I feel clothing is able to change the appearance of people.  You can set statements with what you wear if you want and get people to talk to you about if they feel like that and I find it very interesting. The world of fashion seems so vivid and exiting that I feel like I fit in perfectly as I am such an active person and am driven by creativity. I find patterns, colours and textures very fun to work with and create outfits of such that tell a story. As an aspiring fashion designer I hope to produce pieces created from vintage garments so that sustainability is shown as well as to include a lot of shapes and colours.


Q: What inspires your creativity the most?

A: I get a lot of silent inspiration from seeing what people wear on vivid streets in places such as London or Berlin or anywhere else I have been. I also get some inspiration from webpages like Tumblr or Instagram. Just like our planet the internet is such a vivid 'place'. But I must say I don’t seek for inspiration. I get ideas while showering or during sleep or in boring lessons (haha). They just come up. I either remember or just forget.


Q: What does an average day in the life of Mona involve?

A: Oh this is a very difficult but clever question I must admit. Well during the week I wake up at about half 6, get ready for school (very fast), have some breakfast including earl grey tea (very important!!) and ride my bicycle to school while for example listening to some chilled tunes of the 'beach fossils' or something else. I get home at about half 1 or half 3, make a tea, eat with my mumma and sometimes read some magazines, turn on a record and start my homework at some point in the afternoon and sit down, study for exams because that is what you should do. Later on my family and I have dinner all together. At night I like to cuddle myself in bed, burn a candle, chat with people, listen to music of course and draw. Also I sometimes make popcorn or so at work.  My weekends obviously differ from usuaI weekdays. I then enjoy staying up late to doodle, meet my friends, go out to cafes, waste some time whilst daydreaming, networking or do stuff that waits to be done like for school!

Interview with a Creative Muse - Mona Cordes on Whim Online Magazine 5

Q: What would you like to achieve with your creative pursuits in the not-too-distant future; Do you have any exciting, upcoming plans that you would like to share with us?

A: For the not-too-distant-future I plan on finishing off school finally. I have quite a few plans for after. I would like to travel a bit, go camping in a hidden place, see bands and hopefully hook-up with more sewing and photography work. I would like to collab as well and just spark my life with things I love doing. Then I hope to move to another place – hoping for London - and start studying fashion design there. I will have had interviews by then. So this year is very important, nerve-wracking regarding my future and upcoming projects and things.

If anyone is interested in contacting please don’t hesitate to do so! For any enquiries: Some social media I use: Instagram (@princess_moona) and Blogspot (which I am not a fan of) - Oh and do me a favour, please go and check Recens Paper (I write for it and take pictures).


We want to thank Mona for taking the time to share her wonderful work and answers with us and we hope that today's Creative Muse feature has inspired you too!

* Images include (in order): a photograph of Mona taken by Ophelia, One of Mona's many fashion-inspired collages, a photograph captured by Mona, another example of a collage by the artist and a set of photographs captured by Mona.