Featured Photographer + Interview: Pau Scarso Photography

Pau Scarso Photography on Whim Online Magazine 1 Pau Scarso Photography on Whim Online Magazine 2 Pau Scarso Photography on Whim Online Magazine 3 Pau Scarso Photography on Whim Online Magazine 4 Pau Scarso Photography on Whim Online Magazine 5
Source: Pau Scarso


These fun and colourful images are from Pau Scarso Photography, a talented young creative based in Buenos Aires.

The 19-year-old photographer's brilliant work has already gained her much adoration, with her Facebook page alone attracting over 17,500 fans.

We were lucky enough to recently ask Pau some questions about her photography career, daily life and dreams for the future and you can check out the full interview below!


Q: When did you first discover your love of photography?A: I started being interested in it when I received as a birthday present my first digital camera.

Q: How would you describe yourself in just three words?A: Responsible, creative and restless.

Q: When it comes to your photography, what inspires your creativity the most?A: I usually love watching pictures from different Australian or American photographers. Also, listening to music is a must while editing my photos,

Q: Please describe an average day in the life of Pau Scarso?A: I wake up, take some time to check my instagram account, have some breakfast, put on some relaxing music and start editing photos on my computer. If I'm too tired I continue afterwards, and instead I watch a movie or organize the photoshoot of the following day. Sometimes I work, so I leave home and continue my editing till I go to sleep.

Q: Lastly, what do you hope to achieve with your photography in the near future?A: I'd love to be part of a magazine team, or work for an important foreign clothing brand.


We want to thank Pau for taking the time to answer our questions and we hope you take the time to view more of the photographer's work by visiting her Facebook page or Flickr. You can also follow Pau on Instagram (@pauscarso). Enjoy!