An Interview with RAW Sydney Makeup Artist of the Year: Mi Vida Designs

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It's part two of our RAWards Sydney blog post series and today we're showcasing an inspirational interview with the RAW Sydney Makeup Artist of the Year - Kathryn Tsambouras of Mi Vida Designs.

Did you know that Kathryn's makeup artistry has previously been featured on the Whim website? Click here to see the beautifully bohemian photoshoot that she assisted with (previewed above!).


Q: Congratulations on winning first place in the makeup artist category! Please tell us, what have you loved the most about your RAW Sydney experience?A: What I loved the most about my RAW Sydney experience was that it gave me and other artists the opportunity to showcase our talents to a wide audience. I was able to promote my brand and show my makeup creations in ways that I could never do alone. It has brought a lot more interest to my work, and the friends I made in the industry are people I continue to stay friends with and work with.

Q: What was your initial reaction when you heard the news that you would go on to represent Sydney in your category?A: I was pretty shocked and nervous when I heard It would be me as there was a lot of talented competition. I am also so thankful I have great support and had a lot of people who voted for me.

Q: When did you first discover your love of makeup artistry?A: I was always in love with makeup and would always pretend when I was young as I'm sure many girls did, but my love definitely grew for it when I discovered the endless possibilities I could create. I was in high school when I decided to do body art for my Visual Arts Major work. I enjoyed how creative and interesting it was, and since I gained a great response for my work I decided to take it further and eventually become a makeup artist.

Q: What inspires your creativity the most?A: My biggest inspiration has to be other artists and artwork. I always look at how an artwork is formed and try to use the same techniques in my own work. People who take risks also inspire my creativity as they think out of the box and it always sets standards that I try to reach.

Q: What do you hope to achieve with your makeup artist career in the near future – are there any exciting, upcoming plans that you would like to share with us?A: I'm hoping to have my own shop for makeup and hair as well as a studio doing creative beauty shoots inside as well. I do have exciting plans to be working with big named models and photographers in the near future, and I am really looking forward to it as it is something I've always wanted to achieve.


We want to thank Kathryn for taking the time to answer our questions and we wish her the very best of success in 2015! You can view more amazing makeup artistry from Kathryn by checking out the Mi Vida Designs Facebook page or following on Instagram (@mividadesigns). You can also support emerging talent by liking RAW Sydney on Facebook. Enjoy!