An Interview with RAW Sydney Performing Artist Of The Year: Lady H Productions

Lady H ProductionsLady H Productions 2
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We're about half-way now through our special series featuring exclusive interviews with the Sydney RAWards category finalists. Today we're excited to bring you a Q&A with Holly Headrick, the talent behind Lady H Productions and the winner of RAW Sydney's Performing Artist of the Year award.

Before you dive into the inspiring interview below, feel free to check out the video above which features some footage from RAW Sydney's 'Revolution' showcase (if you look closely at approximately 28 seconds into the video, you can see Whim's Editor Melanie and previous Editorial Assistant Lucinda admiring some artworks!).


Q: Congratulations on winning first place in the performing arts category! Please tell us, what have you loved the most about your RAW Sydney experience?A: Being a part of RAW Sydney has been a really great experience. I was looking for a reason to work with Chris Duff, the guitarist, and this seemed like a perfect opportunity. It was such a great experience working with him, I got to really be involved in the process of him creating the music for the piece and I can't wait for us to have the opportunity to do it again.RAW gave me a platform to get my work out there in front of a new audience. The organisers for the event were also very supportive and it was nice to feel like I was doing this with a team of people behind me, other than the incredibly talented performers I shared the stage with who were of course Katie Headrick, Sally Hare, Andrew Huynh, Samuel Beazley, Mitchell Hatton (the dancers), Chris Duff, Simon Ranguis & Byron Mark (the musicians).

Q: What was your initial reaction when you heard the news that you would go on to represent Sydney in your category?A: To be honest, I didn't know there was a competition when I decided to put my work in the show. I got an email to say people can vote for the piece so I put the video up on Facebook with the link for people to vote. I was so happy that people took the time to watch the piece and vote, I really didnt expect anything from it so it was a very nice surprise.

Q: When did you first discover your love of performing arts?A: When I was quite young. I started dancing when I was 5, but it was probably when I was about 7 or 8 that I remember starting to really enjoy being on the stage all done up in costumes and make up and I think by the time I was 9 I started to compete in eisteddfods with solo routines and from that I knew that this is what I would be doing for the rest of my life. Of course now choreography is a big part of what I do and has opened up a whole new side of dancing and performing for me which is amazing.

Q: What inspires your creativity the most?A: A lot of different things inspire my creativity. I can't say its just one thing. It depends on the mood I'm in, what songs I'm listening to at that time, if something significant is going on or has gone on and I feel like talking about it through dance, different dancers inspire me with their abilities, other choreographers inspire me. It all depends on whats going on around me.When it came to RAW I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to do but I've always had Chris Duff (the guitarist of the piece who wrote the music) in my mind and wanting to do something with him as he is incredibly talented. So I guess for my RAW piece you could say that Chris and his flamenco music was my inspiration.

Q: What do you hope to achieve with your performing arts career in the near future – are there any exciting, upcoming plans that you would like to share with us?A: Chris and I really enjoyed what we created and the process of how it happened so we are just in the beginning stages of talking about creating a whole show together. We have a lot of great ideas for it and are very excited to begin the process.


We want to thank Holly for taking the time to answer our questions and we wish her the very best of success in 2015! Please take a further look at Holly's work through visiting her website, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (@ladyhproduction). Enjoy!