Introducing Peepoc: A New Social Polling Network Perfect for Bloggers

Peepoc on Whim Online Magazine
Image by Shay Cochrane

 If you're a lover of showcasing your opinion on various matters or even seeking answers to some of those pesky questions you might have, then you're sure to love Peepoc! Peepoc is a brand new online community of people who are curious about the opinions of their friends and who love debate.We were recently introduced to Peepoc and encouraged to give this new platform a try. What we love the most about the social polling network is how it can assist with creating an online community and drive conversation about any question you pose - a vital tool for anyone running a blog or website.We thoroughly enjoy reading comments from our lovely readers here on our blog or over on Whim's social media, so we thought why not turn this up a notch by encouraging people to share their opinions over on the new platform?The whole process of creating an account on Peepoc was incredibly easy, only requiring a name, password and email address. You're then given 10 other users to follow (who are recommended for you) after which you can browse their profiles and the questions they pose through their polls.We're yet to discover any fellow bloggers, photographers, artists etc. who Whim has worked with personally over on the network, but we're sure after doing some more digging around and even inviting you guys over to try the platform that we're sure to uncover some of you...It is a fairly new platform after all! Please link us to your profile in the comments below if you happen to already have a Peepoc account, or even if you create one today!Peepoc is available to access from your desktop (as we did) or even from your phone as it can be downloaded as an app compatible for both iPhone and Android.We also searched for some communities which would interest us, including 'photography' and 'fashion', but unfortunately none came up. That's not to say that these communities won't be created in the near future, however, and for now we're quite content with following communities such as 'crazy cat ladies' (it's true), 'online marketing and social networking' and 'woman in business'. We're considering creating our very own dreamy photography society ;)The trending polls down the right-hand side of the site is great and we had fun clicking on them and giving our points of view (For example, is email outdated? We sure hope not!)We even created our own little poll complete with pretty pictures, which you can see at the bottom of this post! We're interested in creating a website feature providing tips and tricks for photographing with animals to produce a dreamy series so would love to hear what animal you would choose if you were to do such a shoot - Simply click on your option below!