FASHFEST: Saturday's Runway Show (Engineer)
"The driver intent on taking design beyond its limits. The engineer pushes the boundaries of what is possible in design, predicting the future, building on precedent. With eyes firmly pointed toward the heavens, this forward-looking designer takes risks and drives culture." (FASHFEST)
The above quote clearly defines what it means to be labeled an 'Engineer' in the fashion world and truly set the scene for what was to follow on Saturday evening. As it was the last show of this year's FASHFEST in Canberra, we felt in awe to witness and be a part of something so special.
There were many highlights from the evening, including being introduced to the label Boho Bird, witnessing two beautiful garments from the latest Little Jane Lane collection as part of the CIT All Star Showcase and seeing many of the talented and fabulous people involved with Fashfest walk the runway at the closing of the show.
The musical acts from the final night were also fantastic, including Magnifik, Chanel Cole, Cris Clucas, Kayo Marbilus and Mondecreen.
If you missed our previous posts about this wonderful event in Canberra, you can view them here and here.
Below are some of our images from the evening!
Above: Zilpah Tart
Above: Boho Bird
Above: Simone Perele / Stephanie's Boutique Lingerie
Above: Cameron and James
Above: CIT All Star Showcase
Above: Assemblage Project
Above: Corr Blimey featuring jewellery by Silver Atom
Above: Closing of the show.
You can head to the FASHFEST website, Facebook page or Instagram to see more highlights from the event.
Which collection is your favourite? We'd love to hear in the comments section below!