Interview with a Creative Muse: Photographer + Blogger Alex from 'Into the Woods'

Interview with a Creative Muse - Alex from Into the Woods Blog on 1

Alex is the talented and super-lovely photographer and blogger over at 'Into the Woods'. We recently reached out to her to see if she was interested in taking part in our 'Interview with a Creative Muse' series, as we believe her beautiful work and ambitious attitude will serve as the perfect inspiration for you!

We also shared our eBook, 'The Whimsical Photography Playbook', with Alex and are excited to announce that she will be running a giveaway of the eBook package very soon!


Q: When did your love of photography first blossom?

A: I first discovered my passion for photography when I was fourteen years old. I started out snapping pictures with my ipod, and instantly fell in love. I started my photography business by offering $20 family portraits to friends, and thus Simplicity Photography was born!

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Q: We also understand that you run a beautiful fashion blog called Into the Woods. When did you first create your blog and what motivated you to do so?

A: Thank you for the kind compliment! I created my blog about the same time as my photography business. My motivation was to show girls ways to dress both modestly, and on a budget. Over the years I have had so much fun combining my love of photography with my personal style journey.

Q: What inspires your creativity the most?

A: Such a hard question! I'm really inspired by so many different things - other blogs (my absolute favorite is Wish Wish Wish), vintage style, day to day life, pinterest, pinterest and pinterest (oops, did I say that more than once)?

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Q: Please describe an average day in the life of Alex?

A: You know my days vary a lot, which I think is one of the things I love about my work. I'm not stuck at a mundane desk job, so each day is new, fresh and exciting. Some days I'll be out taking outfit photos in a fun new location, other days filming, and often sitting down on my laptop and doing some networking over a cup of coffee (and in my pj's, who wouldn't love that)? And of course, I always make time for adventures with friends and family - living in the moment is so important!

Q: What do you hope to achieve with both your photography and blogging careers in the not-too-distant future; Do you have any exciting, upcoming plans that you would like to share with us?

A: Such an exciting question! Well for starters, I am off to Virginia this Fall to earn my degree in marketing, and fashion merchandising. It's hard to know for sure where I see myself in the future, but ideally I would love to be able to blog full time, that way I could really focus on making Into the Woods an extra special read for my subscribers. I love the editorial side of fashion, and would love to incorporate those kinds of elements into my blog. My greatest dream is to travel around the world, snapping pictures in amazing places like Paris and New Zealand. Ultimately, we'll see where the Lord directs!

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Q: Last but not least, where can our readers view more of your stunning work?

A: Well for starters, you can catch a new outfit post every week on my blog, Into the Woods. I'm also on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest. And if you are curious about my photography, you can keep updated with my latest sessions on the Simplicity Photography Facebook page.


We want to thank Alex for taking the time to answer our questions and we hope you found her answers to be as insightful and inspiring as we did! Be sure to check out her links above to see more of her wonderful work. Enjoy!

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