Interview with a Creative Muse: Desirae Danielle from Tennessee Rose Blog

Desirae Danielle from Tennessee Rose Blog on Whim Online Magazine 1

Desirae Danielle is the talented blogger behind Tennessee Rose Blog, a website we have been following for a while now due to its storyline-inspired fashion posts, lookbook videos and wonderful playlists.

Today we're excited to bring you an exclusive interview with Desirae, as we believe that she is another talented creative to introduce you to through our 'Interview with a Creative Muse' series.

We hope you find her answers as insightful and inspiring as we did!

Desirae Danielle from Tennessee Rose Blog on Whim Online Magazine 5

Q: When did you first begin your blog, Tennessee Rose, and what motivated you to do so?

A: I first began my blog in 2013 during my senior year of college. During that time I was kind of freaking out about finding a job, beginning my clothing, line, and basically just about what life would be after college since I'd been in school since before kindergarden. I majored in entrepreneurship, so I'm always looking to get involved in cool new projects and decided that blogging would be a cool avenue to take. I'd always followed certain bloggers for example, Bonnie Barton, and loved watching how her blog fully supported her and took her all the way from Texas to New York. Seeing that gave me so much hope, because moving to NY (or even LA now) has always been something I've wanted to do. So, I began a blog, and have had so much fun doing it that I don't ever intend to stop!

Q: How would you describe yourself in just 3 words?

A: Oh, that's difficult! I would say determined, romantic (not necessarily in the relationship way, but in the every day life way), dreamer.

Desirae Danielle from Tennessee Rose Blog on Whim Online Magazine 2

Q: What inspires your unique style and creativity the most?

A: My main sources of inspiration come from both stories and cinema, both through creating my own characters and channelling ones that I've seen on the big screen. I also take inspiration from past eras, especially the 50's and 60's! I'm in love with the styles, films, and stars of that time and that reflects heavily in my personal style and photography.

Q: Not only do we love your outfit posts, but your 'lookbook' videos are also wonderful! Are these easy to put together? We'd love to hear more about this process!

A: Oh my goodness, thank you! I'm a complete newbie to iMovie and Final Cut Pro (the two systems I've used to make the Lookbooks), and honestly I still feel like I'm quite bad at it. It definitely takes a lot of time and concentration, because you want everything to flow and look seamless, and of course you have to pick the proper music! However, it is a lot of fun and I love seeing an outfit/story come to life through them. I intend to make many more, plus practice makes perfect, right?

Desirae Danielle from Tennessee Rose Blog on Whim Online Magazine 3

Q: How would you describe an average day in the life of Desirae?

A: Let's see...6:30 AM - Wake up, groan, argue with myself over five more minutes, but inevitably get out of bed. After that, it's on to say good morning to my dog Autumn and eat breakfast while scrolling through emails, Instagram, Twitter, etc.7:00 - Stand in front of my closet debating on what to wear that day.....eventually I decide on something and move onto makeup.8:30 - As of last week, I actually began a new full time job with VaynerMedia as a copywriter, and am now happy to say that is part of my daily routine!12:00 - Lunch, which varies depending on if I have gone to the grocery store recently or not. Sometimes I have the most colourful salads...and sometimes I've got reheated pizza from last night. Whatever.6:00 - Once I get off work is usually when I head to the location that I want to take pictures for that day. I like to wait until later when the sun isn't so high in the sky so that the light is more flattering and doesn't cause so much of a glare. Plus, that's usually when you can capture light leaks and sun flares which I always find to be pretty.7:30 - The rest of my evening usually includes editing the pictures, planning new blog and social media posts, spending time with my dog, taking ballet classes, hanging out with friends, sewing, working out, and/or working out. It just kind of depends on the day!10:00 - Usually hanging out with bae...err...Netflix. I've also started to read more often, and would love any suggestions that you have on books!12:00 - Zzzzzzzz

Desirae Danielle from Tennessee Rose Blog on Whim Online Magazine 4

Q: Lastly, what do you hope to achieve in the not-too-distant future; Do you have any exciting, upcoming plans that you would like to share with us?

A: I catch myself often dreaming up new goals and thinking of the things that I want the future to hold. Currently, I have been trying to put more focus into my Instagram feed (making it more cohesive) and growing my following there (which I hope in turn will grow my blog traffic!). Like I mentioned earlier, I am hoping to get more into making videos as well. I just bought a mic for my camera so that I can start making more conversational videos as well. Next on my list? A real film camera! Imagine all the things I could do with that!


We want to thank Desirae for taking the time to answer our questions and we encourage you to check out her blog to see more of her wonderful work! You can also follow Desirae on Facebook, Instagram (@tennesseeroseblog) and YouTube. Enjoy!