Tips for Directing Models (by Stefanie Vallen)

Tips for Directing Models by Stefanie Vallen on Whim Online Magazine

Directing models can be a tricky area and there is no “one size fits all” way of approaching it. What I do may be totally different to how other photographers work so it will be interesting to get some feedback!

Smile, be friendly and have fun:

I really try to build a good rapport with my models so that they feel relaxed and comfortable. You don’t have to be overly chatty but just be yourself and try to engage them before you start shooting, I usually do this while makeup, hair styling etc. is happening but even if you don’t have that much time before hand at least introduce yourself with a smile :)

Tips for Directing Models by Stefanie Vallen on Whim Online Magazine 1 Tips for Directing Models by Stefanie Vallen on Whim Online Magazine 2 Tips for Directing Models by Stefanie Vallen on Whim Online Magazine 3

Shoot time:

Personally I have a very hands off approach when it comes to directing models. I don’t really like to physically move them into positions, I am very aware of personal space. I know not everyone will mind being moved but I would rather not risk doing it if it means it will make the model uncomfortable.

As I begin shooting I might suggest the kind of mood or feeling that I’d like the model to portray and will see how the model naturally poses his or herself and tweak from there. If I want them to pose in a particular way I will demonstrate roughly what I’d like them to do and get them to mirror me and then use my hands in the air to direct them into place.

Some people really have a clear vision in their head about what kind of positions they would like in their composition and they will spend a lot of time getting their model into the exact pose they want and then start shooting. Both methods are totally fine it’s just up to you to start experimenting and see what works for you.

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Most important:

Overall be sure to keep a positive attitude and keep encouraging your model throughout the shoot. If they feel uncomfortable it will show in their face and they may withdraw and it will be hard to get them to relax and trust you. Even if a particular pose isn’t really working I will take a couple of frames, tell them they are doing great and then try to suggest a different pose. I really make a conscious effort to not say things like “that’s not working” or “no, I don’t like that”.

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Final tips:

  • Watch some Youtube clips or ask another photographer if you are able to observe them during a shoot, I have learned a lot by doing this.
  • Flip through magazines, follow blogs or start a Pinterest board and try to remember any particular poses that you like so you can demonstrate them to your model.
  • If it is feasible, try putting on some music for your model to move to.
  • Practice posing yourself or even get someone else to photograph you so you know what it’s like on the other side of the camera.
  • Like everything, practice makes perfect, so get out there and practice, practice, practice!

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– Written and photographed by Stefanie Vallen, featuring Bella at Tamblyn Models and MUA Maxine Elizabeth. You’re sure to love Stefanie’s incredible work, and we encourage you to visit her website or follow along on Instagram (@stafnie_).