Photoshoot + Interview: 'Highlands' by TJ Drysdale and Victoria Yore

'Highlands' by Terence Drysdale and Victoria Yore on Whim Online Magazine 1 'Highlands' by Terence Drysdale and Victoria Yore on Whim Online Magazine 2 'Highlands' by Terence Drysdale and Victoria Yore on Whim Online Magazine 3 'Highlands' by Terence Drysdale and Victoria Yore on Whim Online Magazine 4 'Highlands' by Terence Drysdale and Victoria Yore on Whim Online Magazine 5 'Highlands' by Terence Drysdale and Victoria Yore on Whim Online Magazine 6 'Highlands' by Terence Drysdale and Victoria Yore on Whim Online Magazine 7 'Highlands' by Terence Drysdale and Victoria Yore on Whim Online Magazine 8 'Highlands' by Terence Drysdale and Victoria Yore on Whim Online Magazine 9 'Highlands' by Terence Drysdale and Victoria Yore on Whim Online Magazine 10 'Highlands' by Terence Drysdale and Victoria Yore on Whim Online Magazine 11 'Highlands' by Terence Drysdale and Victoria Yore on Whim Online Magazine 12 'Highlands' by Terence Drysdale and Victoria Yore on Whim Online Magazine 13

Photographer Terrence Drysdale and model Victoria Yore are a duo who never fail to amaze me with their work. The pair recently travelled to Ireland, France, and Italy, and during their holiday they captured an array of mesmerizing and hauntingly beautiful images, titled 'Highlands'.

Although I could waffle on about my love of the dappled sunlight, extraordinary landscapes and those stunning white lace dresses, I think it's best I hand over the reigns to Terence and Victoria as they share their enchanting experience with you below :)


Q: We love your latest collaboration titled 'Highlands'! Where did the inspiration for this series come from?

TJ: I can honestly say we went to these locations with no real plan! All we had was my camera and a dress. But with that said, the scenery is what inspired us most! It was an amazing experience.

Victoria: I completely agree! The inspiration for this series came completely from our surroundings! Neither of us had been to Europe before and we had no idea what to expect! Some of our favorite image ideas were found on accident, but the second we arrived, we knew exactly what we were going for!

Q: We also understand that you both recently arrived home from a trip around Europe - How exciting! Please tell us more about your adventures: what were your favourite places and most memorable moments?

TJ: I’d say my overall favorite location for shooting was Howth, Ireland. It was our first stop of many, just such a beautiful location. My favorite city was Paris, we didn’t shoot there, but it was an amazing city and it exceeded my already high expectations! Our most memorable moment was probably in Bray, Ireland. We decided to trek about 1,000 feet into frigid ankle deep water to rocks we wanted to shoot on, but we drastically underestimated the tide. Within 30 minutes the water was now waist deep, and it was time to head back. The end result was me wearing Victoria’s jeans, and she wearing the not so fashionable dress for the 1hr and half journey home. I’m sure it was very entertaining for all that saw us.

Victoria: I love how TJ basically said the entire trip was his favorite. [So true, it was a great trip!] If I had to pick one location, it would be Howth, Ireland, because it was our first stop, and we had zero expectations. Our hotel concierge actually suggested that we got there on a 30 min train ride, and we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into! We shot for five hours that day and didn't eat dinner until 10pm because the sun didn't set until very late at night during the summer.

Q: Your collaborations are always so beautiful. Do you think you both bring out certain qualities in one another's work?

TJ: I think we do! It’s something we talk about often, but we can’t quite put a finger on exactly what it is. Since shoot #1 we’ve always had a connection and brought out the best in one another. We embrace it and definitely don’t take it for granted!

Victoria: 100%! Like TJ said, that artistic connection began from our very first shoot and has developed over the last year and a half.

Q: Do you have any other exciting, upcoming plans for the near future that you would like to share with us?

TJ: I am currently working on launching my custom Photoshop Actions as well as online video tutorials and workshops. I am very excited to share my knowledge with the community! I also plan to go back to Europe and travel more around the United States.

Victoria: Travel! Europe was the first of many, many trips for me in the near future! Since being back, I have already taken two local trips, and I can't wait to continue to check things off my bucket list.

Q: Lastly, where can our readers find each of your work online?

Victoria: You can follow our work together on our co-instagram @followmeawayYou can follow my journey on my personal Instagram @veejaywhy

TJ: As Victoria said above, check out our @followmeaway project on Isntagram!You can follow my personal work at @tjdrysdale_photography on Instagram, or