Feature Friday: 'Galaxy Garden' by Phoebe Hofsteede + Interview

'Galaxy Garden' by Phoebe Hofsteede on Whim Online Magazine 1 'Galaxy Garden' by Phoebe Hofsteede on Whim Online Magazine 2

We've featured the incredible photography of Phoebe Hofsteede before, and today we finally have the chance to interview the talented creative from South-East Queensland.

Today's series from Phoebe is titled 'Galaxy Garden' and it contains a beautiful, celestial theme as well as clothing from some of Whim's favourite designers.


Q: When did your love of photography first blossom?

A: It was about 10 years ago when I did an elective subject in Photo-imaging as part of my Bachelor of Visual Art - the subject covered the basics of how to use a camera, the different styles of photography, and a very basic overview of the history of photography. I had never considered photography as an art form before, as I was very much into drawing and painting - so once I began to learn the basics, I fell in love with it! It started as a hobby as I shared my images on social media (before Instagram was even a thing) then I realised it was something I wanted to do more seriously, and so I enrolled to study a Bachelor of Photography at the Queensland College of Art.

'Galaxy Garden' by Phoebe Hofsteede on Whim Online Magazine 3

Q: What inspires your creativity the most?

A: Nature, being outdoors, travelling, fairy tales, story telling in general, female historical figures, art, antiques, and personal experiences.

Q: 'Galaxy Garden' is an absolutely beautiful photoshoot! Please tell us more about the experience you had whilst planning and capturing this magical series?

A: The idea for this one was inspired by the solar fairy lights my partner and I placed in our front garden. Every day I'd come home around twilight and they would begin to sparkle, surrounded by shrubbery, and I thought they looked like mini galaxies in the garden. So I wanted to create a little shoot based on the contrasting idea of magical little worlds existing within a garden.

'Galaxy Garden' by Phoebe Hofsteede on Whim Online Magazine 4

Q: How would you describe an average day in the life of Phoebe?

A: Well, from Monday to Friday I work my day job in advertising, but during any spare moments (like train rides and lunch times) I like to research ideas for shoots - I spend a lot of time on Pinterest creating mood boards for different photoshoot ideas. I look up various photographers, artists, fashion designers, costumes, locations, flowers and plants. Of evenings I edit any current projects, organise upcoming shoots, and as of lately I've been re-reading books from my childhood for further inspiration. During my weekends is when my photoshoots take place, which usually takes a whole day, and when I'm not shooting I go adventuring in the outdoors with my partner - providing more inspiration and ideas for locations.

'Galaxy Garden' by Phoebe Hofsteede on Whim Online Magazine 5

Q: What do you hope to achieve with your photography in the not-too-distant future; Do you have any upcoming, exciting plans that you would like to share with us?

A: I'm always working towards improving my photography, developing my style and continuing to express myself, so that's a never ending goal. However I do have a big project I'm currently working on which I hope to complete and present in an exhibition next year - any further details on that one is bit of a secret at this stage. In the meantime I have 2 smaller exhibitions coming up - I will be part of a group exhibition for the Mental Illness Fellowship Queensland in May, and will also be hosting a mini solo exhibition in June. Details will be shared on my social media platforms so keep an eye out for it!


We want to thank Phoebe for taking the time to shed some more light on her stunning work and encourage you to view more of her photography by visiting her website, Facebook page or Instagram. Enjoy!


Full creditsPhotographer: Phoebe Hofsteede | Model: Alanah France | Hair & Make Up: Carly Stone | Clothing: I Found Lucy (images 1,2 & 3), Candy Olley (images 4,5 & 6) & Hoskins Designs (images 7 & 8).