Photoshoot + Interview: 'Peace, Love, and the 70s' by Tiffany Kennedy

Peace, Love, and the 70s' by Tiffany Kennedy on Whim Online Magazine 1 Peace, Love, and the 70s' by Tiffany Kennedy on Whim Online Magazine 2

Q: When did your love of photography first blossom?

A: Why is this such a tough question to answer? I could say that when I was younger and even today, my life evolves around photographs and images. Photographs depict memories and stories, even if only one person know the true story behind the image. But then again I was never really ‘into’ photography. I never thought that that would be my pathway or something that I wanted to do. I remember being in grade 9 and having photography in one of my classes. I got really good grades, so I stuck with the class until I graduated, continuing to achieve good grades. But whilst that was happening, people outside of school were noticing my photography. I would take photos at sports competitions that my brother competed at, or I’d take graduation photos for a friend. It just grew on me.

I loved seeing those beautiful editorial images that some photographers could create, and I always wanted to be apart of that, I just didn’t know how. I picked up photography so fast and it’s stuck with me for so long, I don’t even remember when my love of it really came about. It’s like when you’ve known a friend for so long, and they’re a really good friend, someone who cares about you, but you can’t pin-point when you actually became friends or when you first met. That’s what photography is for me, it’s a really good friend who I love dearly, who means a lot to me and I just don’t really know how we met or formed this relationship.

Peace, Love, and the 70s' by Tiffany Kennedy on Whim Online Magazine 3 Peace, Love, and the 70s' by Tiffany Kennedy on Whim Online Magazine 4

Q: What inspires your creativity the most?

A: There are so many things that inspire my creativity, and of course, sometimes I feel desperately uncreative. I think other people inspire me the most. Not necessarily other people’s photography, but their art or music. A short while ago I felt like I was losing my creativity, I didn’t know what to photograph or create, but I knew I wanted to create something. During that time this new album was released by one of my favourite bands and I spent the whole day listening to it from start to finish. It just pushed me into a new creative direction, which I find rather interesting.

So, yeah, probably music.

Peace, Love, and the 70s' by Tiffany Kennedy on Whim Online Magazine 5

Q: We understand that you also run your own blog, Tiffany & Couture. Please tell us a little more about this wonderful platform?

A: Tiffany & Couture is my pride and joy (how cliche, I know). I thought the title was kind of funny because it was a bit of a play on ‘Tiffany & Co’ but no one seems to get that, though it does sum-up my blog in a way. I’ve had this platform for a little under a year, and it’s been a great experience. I was lacking a creative outlet, a place where I can just put all these photographs that I created and say something about it. I like photographing people and fashion, which is what this platform really showcases. It’s great to have a platform that’s just your own. I never thought I would be able to break into the fashion industry or the photography industry, both are highly competitive, and this was just my way around that, now I’m a part of the industry itself.

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Q: We love your series 'Peace, Love and the 70's'. Please tell us about the experience you had whilst working on this shoot?

A: So recently I started volunteering at a non-for-profit organisation called Colosoul, and I was just kind of thrown into the mix. I was put on a job for a photoshoot straight away for their fashion agency / brand Foxfeet, which is about ‘Peace, Love and the 70’s’. I’d never worked on a photograph with a team before. I had two stylists with me, Sophie Park and Kate Ripley, who were directing the model, and what she wore for the shoot. It was kind of an odd experience in a way. I know that within the industry it can be all ‘go, go, go’ and no one really tells you what it is you’re doing until the day (at least according to my high school photography teacher) and it really felt like that. We grabbed some clothes before heading off to a lush green park located in the Perth City, just trying to make some magic happen. We tried to get the model to look relaxed within the shoot, but these things can be difficult when you’ve only just met everyone that you’re now working with. When you’re squatting, jumping, kneeling and turning into different positions the whole thing seems like a workout, but when the final product turns out pretty great, it’s worth the sore butt.

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Q: What does an average day in the life of Tiffany look like?

A: I didn’t even realise how busy I actually am until I looked at this question. Since starting the blog, I’ve been able to gain a lot more opportunities than I thought I would and while studying at university that seems to back up my abilities. Most days start off at the Colosoul office, editing or using their studio to take photos, then rushing off to university (I study Internet Communications and Photography & Illustration), trying to edit in-between various sessions I have, and occasionally editing during my lectures if I get too bored. Some nights are met with events to photograph, and every other day I try to set up a photoshoot for my blog. Whether that’s with a few models I know to set up a post, or using a tripod and self timer to create an ‘outfit’ post. Almost everyday is met with editing and emailing. I try to keep myself as busy as possible. There’s also an occasional moment to draw bunny rabbits in my notebook, or something silly.

Peace, Love, and the 70s' by Tiffany Kennedy on Whim Online Magazine 9

Q: What do you hope to achieve with your career in the not-too-distant future; Do you have any exciting, upcoming plans that you would like to share with us?

A: I hope to be able to work with people in other countries on photographs. To be able to go somewhere completely different and have a purpose for really being there would be incredible but I don’t know if that’s in the not-too-distant future. I know that there’ll be more photoshoots and opportunities, but being able to really reach people is something that I hope to achieve.

Man, I wish I had exciting things planned. The most exciting thing is probably a trip to Malaysia I’m taking later on in the year, hopefully that’ll spark some new inspiration and creativity within my photographs and work. There’s always some fashion shows and events scattered about that I’ll attend, but you just never know when a good opportunity will arise.

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We want to thank Tiffany for taking the time to answer our questions and we encourage you to check out her blog and follow along on Facebook and Instagram. You can also view her awesome photography portfolio here. Enjoy!


Full credits: Photographed by Tiffany Kennedy | Model: Alanah Yukich | Styled by Kate Ripley and Sophie Park | In Collaboration with Foxfeet