An Interview with Magical Portrait Photographer Jessica Parsons Photography

An Interview with Magical Portrait Photographer Jessica Parsons - Whim Online Magazine 1An Interview with Magical Portrait Photographer Jessica Parsons - Whim Online Magazine 7

Q: When did your love of photography first blossom, and what is it about magical portrait photography that you are particularly drawn to?

A: As an Art Major in college, we were required to take Photography 1 and I fell in love. The 'magic' of photographic film, countless hours in the darkroom... I loved all of it. Film is far less forgiving than digital and you really had to know you had gotten that shot. I was always so excited to develop a roll of film and get to printing. When I graduated I received my first DSLR (a Canon 10D) and an IMAC and never looked back.

I was always into the more fantastical side of things. Growing up with a love of unicorns and fairies, it just eventually came out in my photography. Of course, at first, I didn't realize that I could actually make a career out of it. In between jobs of photographing weddings, families, and working as a product photographer for a local surf company, I would dress my girlfriends up in vintage finds and go do fun magical photo shoots with them.

It was only after the move to Austin that I really sat down and re-evaluated my photography. What did I love about it? What did I never want to shoot again? Haha. I realized that I had the most fun during those magical shoots with my girlfriends. I have a love for crafting and glitter and wanted it to play a part in my new venture as well. I thought about how much fun I had dressing up and pretending to be a princess when I was younger, and how awesome it would be to be able to see those images now. So I geared it toward kids. Kids are always so excited to see the outfit, the props, and love when I bring out the glitter and bubbles.

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Q: How would you describe the aesthetic of your photography in just three words?

A: Magical, Whimsical, Glitter-tastic

Q: We adore your fairytale sessions with children and the magical experience you're able to provide them with! Please tell us a little more about these sessions and the hard work that goes into each one?

A: My typical client will have a general idea of what they want, which then I shape to fit my personal style. I have a Pinterest page filled with idea boards ( that I share with clients, mainly to help them take a peek inside my mind and see my vision.

Once we agree on a theme, be it a Fairy Session or a My Very Own Story Session, I get to work on creating the shoot. Depending on the scale of the shoot, I ask for at least 2 weeks to create the magic that becomes the session.

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Much of the time leading up to the shoot is spent on planning the shoot, shopping for materials, designing, making costumes and props, and searching for the perfect outdoor location. I strive to make every shoot as unique as possible, tailored to my clients requests, using my own personal style. To accomplish this, I make the majority of my costumes (fairy dresses, fairytale costumes, etc) and props by hand and carefully select the rest.

I am a frequent shopper at the local craft, thrift, and antique stores in my area, always searching for props and pieces... you just never know what awesome thing you may stumble upon!

When the date of the shoot arrives, we load everything up and drive to the shoot location to set-up prior to the agreed meeting time. Once the client arrives, I get my newest little fairy or fairytale character ready for their photo shoot. No matter how many times I do this, seeing the excitement on the child's face when I pull out their costume makes every bit of hard work and frustration worth it (trust me, these shoots are not easy!). That's when it all starts to come to life.

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Q: What does an average day in the life of Jessica look like?

A: Coffee first! Then it's off to my craft room/office to see what I need to work on for the day. I typically have a few projects going on at once. I check my emails, update social media as needed, then get to work on planning sessions and working on any costumes or props that need creating.

At some point during the day, I will probably need to make a run to one of the fabric/craft stores nearby to grab something (typically for some awesome last minute idea I've had) . This is usually a much needed break, as I tend to get consumed by the creative process.If a project is proving difficult I'll take a breather and head to the gym or go for a run on one of the nature trails around the house. Running out in nature really helps me to refocus and get the ideas flowing. Plus, you just never know when an awesome location is going to pop up in front of you!

In the evenings I walk our pup, hang with the husband, and edit photos...probably with a cat in my lap and a glass of wine.

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Q: What advice would you offer to emerging photographers also hoping to create portraits of a magical and fairytale-inspired nature?

A: First, LOVE what you do. Photography really is a labor of love. Magical Portrait Photography is creativity mixed with a whole bunch of magic and fairy dust. I think if you really put your all into it, it will show in the image.

Second, don't be afraid to really push your vision. You may fail the first time, try again. Don't give up just because it didn't turn out like you hoped, re-evaluate and get it to work.

Third, believe in yourself and the magic you are creating.

Finally, don't be afraid to use GLITTER!! :D

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We want to thank Jessica for taking the time to provide such insightful responses to our questions and we encourage you to check out more of her magical photography by visiting her website and following along on both Facebook and Instagram. Enjoy!