Photoshoot + Interview: An Enchanting Series ft. Lady Sneakypeek by Melissa Katherine Photography

An Ethereal Series ft. Lady Sneakypeek by Melissa Katherine Photography on Whim Online Magazine 1

Prepare to be enchanted by this ethereal series from Melissa Katherine Photography featuring model Monique (a.k.a Lady Sneakypeek).

Just when you thought this beautiful photoshoot was about as inspiring as it could get, we've also got two more surprises for you!

Throughout the rest of the post you'll also find an interview with not just the talented photographer of this shoot, Melissa, but you'll also find an insightful Q&A with creative superstar Monique. Enjoy!

An Ethereal Series ft. Lady Sneakypeek by Melissa Katherine Photography on Whim Online Magazine 2

Q: We adore this beautiful series; Congratulations on your wonderful role of photographing it! Please tell us about the experience you had capturing these images?

Melissa (photographer): This editorial was shot in my studio, which is a really amazing space and lends itself so well to the themes prevalent in my work at the moment. I’ve worked with Monique before and when I sent her the moodboard we were on the same page with the entire concept, so that makes things easy. I also love when there is a level of trust, which allows me to go with the flow when doing makeup and putting the whole look together. It’s important for me that my models and clients trust in my ability and vision, even if they can’t see the end result. I guess I have a knack for building confidence in people. This allows me to ultimately get amazing images and have a lot of fun editing.

Q: When did your love of photography first blossom?

Melissa: I originally studied photography at University, but didn’t major in it as film and large format would have broken my poor student budget, instead I dropped photography after my 2nd year and focused on Printmaking. It wasn’t until everything went digital that I returned properly to photography. It was actually due to my self portrait work that I fell in love with the art form all over again. I’m also a self taught graphic designer and fashion designer/patternmaker, which allows me to approach my work in a different way compared to other photographers. All my skills help me create images that are unique and magical. I’m always striving for something that didn’t exist before.

An Ethereal Series ft. Lady Sneakypeek by Melissa Katherine Photography on Whim Online Magazine 3

Q: What inspires your creativity the most?

Melissa: I’m inspired by lots of things. Art is such an all encompassing way to communicate visually in regards to issues that affect us on a daily basis. Creative expression for me is like breathing and at the same time I see art and creativity everywhere. I usually have a dozen ideas floating around in my head at any given moment and these ideas are always evolving. Random things inspire me, the seasons, discarded objects, nature, music etc. I feel an immense urge to create beauty and also  encourage others. I hope that my drive for art inspires others to follow their passion and express themselves in their chosen path. Art is just so important to society and daily life.

Q: What advice you would offer to emerging photographers?

Melissa: Shoot often and curate your work. People don’t need to see everything you shoot. While you shouldn’t compare yourself to those that are more advanced, you should definitely only show your best images. Also learn how to master the camera you have. Relying on the latest and greatest and then shooting in automatic will not do you any favours. You should be able to create great art with a mid-range dslr. Learn how to read light and have fun with your photography. Make mistakes, experiment and try new things.

An Ethereal Series ft. Lady Sneakypeek by Melissa Katherine Photography on Whim Online Magazine 4

Q: How would you describe an average day in the life of Melissa?

Melissa: I’m not a morning person, so a good coffee first thing is crucial. I then usually do some reading, yoga or meditation and then either get some editing done and then head to my studio to work on styling work or organising props and sets for future shoots. This is of course on days when I don’t have a shoot, but on shoot days, I tend to go straight to the studio and get everything organised. I do hair and makeup as well as styling, so there is a lot to do before the client arrives. I like the flexibility of my days, but it is crucial to be really organised because of this. I also have a family, so if I’m not organised, everything falls apart and it is simply not fun.

Q: What do you hope the not-too-distant future holds for your career; Do you have any exciting, upcoming plans that you would like to share with us?

Melissa: I’m travelling to Melbourne in July and Brisbane in September to shoot with lovely interstate clients. I just had my first solo show in my studio warehouse, as part of the HeadOn Photo Festival, which was super exciting and I hope to hold another exhibition before the end of the year. I’m aiming to travel overseas and book shoots in whatever countries I travel to. Dream big and dream vividly, I say!

An Ethereal Series ft. Lady Sneakypeek by Melissa Katherine Photography on Whim Online Magazine 5

Q: Congratulations Monique on your fantastic role as model in these stunning images! Please tell us about the experience you had taking part in this photoshoot?

Monique (model): Working with Melissa Katherine is always a pleasure! We knew that we wanted to explore the idea of Russian opulence as well as folklore, but the aesthetic of this shoot really took form on the day. We played around with a few props and fabrics and played it by ear. I'm so happy with how it turned out!

Q: When did your love of modelling first blossom?

Monique: I first stepped in front of the camera around five years ago. I have a background in styling and fashion design and so modelling was a natural progression for me. I love taking on the role of different characters and really pushing myself to embody new visual concepts.

An Ethereal Series ft. Lady Sneakypeek by Melissa Katherine Photography on Whim Online Magazine 6

Q: We also understand that run a blog, {sneakypeek}, where you publish your own work. Please shed some more light on this wonderful platform?

Monique: Sneakypeek is a blogazine that focuses on all things whimsical, quirky and creative, especially when it relates to the world of fashion. I have interviewed a range of designers, artists, illustrators and photographers as well as writing about things that I think my readers will find inspiring.

Q: What inspires your creativity the most?

Monique: Going shopping! I love discovering new brands and novel merchandising concepts. I also love scrolling through Pinterest in search of new creative ideas.

An Ethereal Series ft. Lady Sneakypeek by Melissa Katherine Photography on Whim Online Magazine 8

Q: How would you describe an average day in the life of Monique?

Monique: I spend most of my day writing articles for various publications, sourcing garments and accessories for photo shoots and answering endless emails! I also spend a lot of time working on my fashion brand Sneakypeek (  +

Q: What do you hope the not-too-distant future holds for your career; Do you have any exciting, upcoming plans that you would like to share with us?

Monique: I have a bunch of editorial shoots that will be released over the next few months, one of which involves a bathtub of milk! Keep your eyes peeled!

An Ethereal Series ft. Lady Sneakypeek by Melissa Katherine Photography on Whim Online Magazine 7

We want to thank both Monique and Melissa so much for sharing this incredible series with us and answering our interview questions! You can find each of their mesmerizing work at the following links:

Monique / Lady Sneakypeek: website | Instagram | Facebook

Melissa Katherine Photography: website | Instagram | Facebook