FASHFEST '16: An Interview with Fashion Designer Charly Thorn


Q: Hi Charly! Congratulations on your incredible debut at this year’s Fashfest! For those of our readers who might not be familiar with your fashion label, how would you describe it to them?

A: I’d say my label is still developing. My design style is evolving and ever-changing because I’m still in the experimental stage of my career. I have a few goals I want to hit with my style. My woman is confident, chic and sophisticated and looks great every minute of the day. She cares about quality and environmentally sustainable practices. I’ll never promote an unhealthy body image. The women who wear my clothes are of all shapes and sizes.


Q: One of the Fashfest highlights for me was seeing you receive a very well-deserved standing ovation at the end of your show. Please tell us how this moment felt? What was going through your mind?

A: The moment I walked out and saw all the guests standing up, I burst into tears. The last six months led up to those 20 special seconds. It was THE moment—THE moment all designers crave because it’s the grand finale of all your hard work and sleepless nights. It’s like graduating or walking out of your best exam ever. It was all so worth it. And to walk out on the catwalk with an international model, Anneliese Seubert, made it all the more special.


Q: I also loved your collection’s use of gold fabrics teamed with neutrals. What was the inspiration and / or motivation behind these designs?

A: I always get asked this. I find it hard to answer. For this collection I wanted to use wool. When I was looking through the samples I fell in love with a Khaki merino. When I placed my order they didn’t have quite as much as I required, so I had to commit to something else. The brown fabric was my second choice. I loved the gorgeous lightness. I started experimenting with it, to see what kind of structure I could get from it. That’s when I came up with the lantern-like effect on Anneliese’s dress. The shapes all hold a distinct structure yet they have so much movement. I’m a strong believer in things happening for a reason. I believe that the best things can come out of not doing something to plan. That’s real creativity. Remember, diamonds are created under pressure.

I also believe that my travel through South East Asia is reflected through this collection, including the use of gold, thick sole shoes and perhaps the pleated skirts.


Q: At just 17 years of age, you have already achieved some enormous things with your fashion design career. What advice would you offer to young girls who also aspire to become a fashion designer one day?

A: This question can be targeted at young girls who are driven and committed to achieving their dreams in any field, not just fashion. If you’re willing to live a crazy life balancing work, school, friends, and your dream then go for it. But there’s no maybes or ifs, and or buts. Only commitment, determination and hard work will make it possible. You really have to love the path you’re on, because it’s what you’ll spend every spare second doing. But one day you’ll live your dream.


Q: Lastly, we hear that some incredibly impressive things are in the works for your fashion label! Please tell us more about these? What are you most excited about?

A: I’ve been invited to showcase my collection in September 2017 at Vancouver Fashion Week. I screamed with joy when I got the email. To be showcasing again on an international stage has always been a dream and my hard work is now starting to pay off.

I’m not sure what doors will open for me after Canada. I still want to study further and will be applying for all of the prestigious fashion colleges around the world. I want to try to get a scholarship overseas somewhere like Paris or New York. I’m so excited about where my future will take me.


We encourage you to find out more about Charly Thorn's label by visiting her FASHFEST profile and following along on Facebook and Instagram. You can also learn more about Canberra's wonderful fashion event, FASHFEST, by visiting their website or Facebook page. Enjoy!


Photos by Andrew Donato, We Are Found AU, Heidi Flaherty and Martin Ollman (provided by FASHFEST).