The Enchanting Imagery of Picturesnme Photography + Interview with Zubair Aslam

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Zubair Aslam is a self-taught photographer best known for his ethereal and enchanting work as Picturesnme Photography.

The Melbourne-based creative recently shared his amazing work with us and we couldn't wait to showcase it to you here on the blog!

During his short experience as a portrait photographer, he has been published in international magazines, both printed and online, along with multiple Editor's Choice awards.

The talented photographer is particularly inspired by "dark concepts" and as a lucid dreamer, Zubair is always looking to experiment with lighting techniques, colours, and compositions.

Keep on reading, because we have an exclusive interview with Zubair coming right up!

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Q: When did your love of photography first blossom?

A: Um-mm!! I always loved photography but was never formally trained in any arts. I didn't have a camera till I was 24. One day I just decided to sell my bike and buy a camera and that's how it just started. Even after that I wasn't really inspired and then one day I saw the Sydney Opera House and that just tricked me into it :D


Q: What inspires your creativity the most and why?

A: I love magic, fairy-tales and superheros. I love working on something which is not usual, it has to be otherworldly, whimsical and sometimes weird. Maybe some part of me still hasn't grown up and still wants to be around the magical world. I keep challenging myself all the time. I just finished my 52 weeks portrait challenge and to improve my skills, I just started a December black & white portrait photography challenge where I will shoot everyday for all of December with different people. They will get one photo from the shoot and in return, they will have to donate something for charity.

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Q: Please tell us a little more about this beautiful collection of images you have shared with us; what was the experience like planning and capturing these?

A: This shoot / collection I have been planning to work on for a while. Its difficult for a guy like me who never shops, to find the right dresses. But the support here in Melbourne creative communities is so great, there are some insanely talented artists who helped me at all stages. All these headpieces were specially designed for this shoot by my good friend Krissy. But shooting was not easy, we had to reschedule a couple of times and the day we finally went out, the light was not at all good. But somehow we managed to get there.


Q: What does an average day in the life of Zubair look like?

A: Very Busy :D !! My day starts with gym which is the toughest part :D Then my full-time job as a software developer. After my day job I reach home and start working on photographs or go out for a shoot if planned for any. It's basically 16-18 hours of work everyday but still worth it.

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Q: Lastly, what do you hope to achieve with your photography in 2017; do you have any upcoming, exciting plans that you would like to share with us?

A: Thanks for this question :D I was dying to share!I started portrait photography in 2015 with no skills. For 2016 I targeted at least one magazine submission, but by now in 11 months we got more than 14 international publications. So that went well but I am not happy with my works, there is still a long way to go. For 2017, I want to work on some incredible concepts, to improve my skills in both shooting and post production, to start working with strobes and external lights and finally to start working towards a full-time photography business.

picturesnme-photography-on-whim-online-magazine-11We want to thank Zubair for taking the time to share his amazing collection of photographs with us and we encourage you to check out more work from Picturesnme Photography by visiting his website, Facebook, and Instagram (@picturesnme)..Full credits: Models: Carmen Paech, Annika Milena, Melissa Jane, Elizabeth Schuster | HMUAs: Carly Lennon, Genevieve Afif, Shallu Singh | Headpieces: Krissy Tee and Belinda Matheson | Designer: Datto Bridal Designs | Photographer: Zubair AslamAlone series (first set) credited to photographer Belinda MathesonPlease note: Concept, models, makeup artists, headpieces, dresses, and location organised and directed by Belinda Matheson