eCourse Student Showcase: the Stunning Senior Portraits of Suzanne Palasek Photography

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Based in the Dallas Area, Suzanne Palasek Photography specializes in child, family, and senior portraits.

We're honored to showcase her beautiful photography on the blog today, as well as to share an inspiring interview with the talented photographer. Enjoy!


Q: When did your love of photography first blossom?

A: My love of photography began as a child. I enjoyed looking at family albums and evoking those memories with them. My dad also liked photography, so he always passed down his old cameras to me. I taught myself manual mode with those cameras. Although it wasn’t my major, I took a few photography classes in college for fun. Last year I threw myself into studying light, editing, and upgraded my camera gear before opening for business.


Q: What inspires your creativity the most and why?

A: Children’s books, nature, and music inspire me. They all help me to think imaginatively about simple things around me. I look at the playful, emotional, and whimsical aspects of my clients. I like to capture shots and see the beauty in things that others might overlook.


Q: We love this stunning set of senior portraits! What advice would you offer to those also wishing to capture beautiful senior portraits; any tips and tricks?

A: Thank you so much! Senior Year is such a special time, it is an honor to take their portraits. We shot this in an incredibly beautiful field before heading downtown. Communication is important prior to the shoot, I love to collaborate ideas with my Seniors and incorporate their interests so every session is unique to them. Try to create a relaxed environment for clients to let loose and have fun. I also suggest having a vision of the final image you want to achieve before you begin editing in Photoshop. You are definitely not limited by your equipment, it’s all about how you let light and your subjects inspire you.


Q: Thank you so much for enrolling in our free eCourse, 'Overcoming Self-Doubt as a Photographer'! How has this course helped you with your own photography career?

A: My business is fairly new, the course really helped me to focus on what I am doing instead of comparing myself to everyone else. There are so many talented photographers out there, I am inspired and humbled by their images, but everyone starts somewhere. The course was encouraging and reminded me to enjoy the journey. The more I focus on my own work and my clients, the busier I’ve become. The majority of my business has been through word of mouth. A happy client will send more business your way than advertising ever will.


Q: Lastly, what do you hope to achieve with your photography career in the not-too-distant future; do you have any exciting, upcoming plans that you would like to share with us?

A: I will stay busy as I grow and capture memories for Seniors and Families. I will also be doing some product photography, which I’m really excited about as well. I recently had some requests to create Customized Fine Art Portraits for a few clients in the Winter and Spring, we are already discussing some fun ideas!


We want to thank Suzanne for taking the time to answer our interview questions and encourage you to check out more of her amazing work by visiting her website or following along on Facebook and Instagram.


Suzanne is a student in our free, 7-day eCourse titled 'Overcoming Self-Doubt as a Photographer'. It comes with a fun printable workbook, as well as access to a private course Facebook group. Have you joined yet? Sign up for free here.