The Ultimate Guide To Entertaining At Home

If you are part of the generation who chooses staying in over going out, then you are probably already pretty accustomed to the concept of entertaining at home.

With diminishing nightlife facilities and the cost of eating and drinking continually rising, many of us prefer to simply have friends over at home. After all, it's pretty hard to actually socialize in a club or a busy bar when you can barely hear yourself think! Millennials in particular are more likely to want to have a night in than to go out, contrary to what the general conception of twenty-somethings tends to be. But even with home entertaining, you need to have some kind of plan involved - otherwise it just results in a bunch of people sat on someone else's couch rather than their own! Here are a few ideas to try out if you want to be a great stay-at-home-host.

Movie night

Sure, going out to the cinema is fun. But it sure is expensive too! It's also up for debate about just how much of a social occasion it actually is, when it's pitch black and you can't talk in there either. Hosting your own movie night at home is a lot cheaper, and usually more fun too! If you have a smart TV, simply log into someone's Netflix account and stream to your heart's content - or you can usually link a laptop up to your bigger screen with a HDMI cable.

Provide snacks and beer, or make it into a movie pizza party by placing an order for takeout (less washing up to do in that case too). If you don't have that much seating in your living room, simply buy a few cheap beanbags from eBay and scatter across your floor. As long as people are comfy, they won't mind where they sit!

Garden party

Many of us love to entertain outdoors - there's usually more room, and in the summer it can be great fun. You can either go all out with a classic cute garden party - think a buffet, cupcakes and homemade fruit punch - or keep it casual with a communal BBQ. The only problem is if the weather lets you down. If you know this is a likelihood, you might want to consider LifeRoom installation, so you can create the perfect climate for your friends no matter what's going on outdoors.

Dinner party

Dinner parties are great fun, and a chance for you to show off some of your cooking skills to your family and friends. They are great for people who fancy a challenge, but there are still some golden rules to remember. Don't attempt a dish you've never done before - at the very least, practice it the week before so you can prepare for anything that goes wrong! Also, don't run before you can walk. It's best to do something simple and tasty, than try something totally ambitious and it turns out inedible. Have fun with it, and you can be sure you and your guests are in for a great night.