How To Be A Star Host And Impress Your Guests

Hosting a party, whether it is a family dinner or a friends evening, is often synonymous with a night of good food, laughter, and memories… As well as a fair load of stress as a host!

Usually, when you have guests, you are trying to make sure that everything is perfect in the house: Everything has to be clean and spotless, and you probably vacuum the carpet a little more enthusiastically than usual. But that’s not all! You need to care for your guests and make sure that nobody could get bored and feel excluded, whether it is by choice of food, the drinks or even the discussion.

People don’t think about it, but being a host is a full-time job! Besides, there’s a little touch of vanity in every one, including the little voice in your head that wants you to organize a party that will delight the crowd! In short, you want a party that will impress your guests. But how do you do it best?

Simple And Delicious Recipes

Being a good host is about planning the best selection of foods and drinks for your guests. This is why most successful parties require a minimum of a few days planning. As a general rule of the thumb, a few days is the time you will need to design a menu of appetizers, a starter, a main and a dessert, as well as prepare drinks that complement your meal.

Remember to prepare a selection of alcohol-free drinks too! More often than not, you find yourself with a day to a few hours notice to prepare a welcoming meal for your guests. It’s about being organized and making sure that you always have the right ingredients in your cupboards.

From a subtle olive appetizers to a slow-cooked chilli dish, you can make the most of your kitchen cabinet and still excite your guests. A little tip to keep in mind, though: You need to have at all times in your kitchen some cheese, a pack of olives, spices, fresh vegetables, and some fresh herbs.

For The Overnight Guests

If your guests are staying for the night, you might want to think of your breakfast options in advance too, or at least get a provision of teas, coffee, and fresh croissants! The best way to dress the guest bedroom is to freshly make the bed with an elegant bed set and to throw on top one of these classy hotel quality bed runners. Finish with carefully folded bath towels placed on the bed: A large and a medium one, preferably thick and soft to the touch. This will always make a great impression!

Get The Decor Party That Impresses

Whether your guests are coming for an evening meal or a summer party, it’s important to set the scene with some beautiful DIY centerpieces that will impress. If you are going for a romantic feel, use a tall glass partially filled with sand and place a candle on top. If you fancy something a little more picturesque, use a bunch of fresh flowers, cut low, to inject a touch of colour to the table.