Photoshoot + Interview: 'Hot Child in the City' by Shelby Ursu

'Hot Child in the City' is a fun and colourful series by New Orleans based vintage fashion photographer, Shelby Ursu.

The talented creative loves playing with color and creating images that have a cinematic effect, and we really think this shines through in her latest photo shoot.Here's the exciting bit! We recently interviewed Shelby to find out about her inspiration, photography career, and exciting plans for the future. Keep reading to learn more!

Q: When did your love of photography first blossom and what initially attracted you to the medium?

A: My love for photography first started when I was around fourteen years old. I would do dress up impromptu shoots with my sisters and closest friends with a cheap point and shoot camera. I thought it was fun and considered it a hobby until I was eighteen years old. That was when I realized that it was more than just a past time hobby for me. I think I was so attracted to the medium because I grew up fascinated by fashion magazines and old films. I wanted to direct movies originally until I got more and more interested in still photography. I got to set up the "scene", I got to style the model, I got to call the shots. In a way, I get to be a kind of director with my work to this day-which gives me so much creative freedom.

Q: We adore this photo shoot! What was the main inspiration(s) behind "Hot Child in the City"?

A: My shoots are always formed with multiple inspirations-especially colors, music, and the strong female influences in my life. This shoot was mainly inspired by my mom. She is the strongest and most beautiful, independent woman I will ever know. Growing up I would hear a lot of her favorite music on car rides to school in the morning, and it was usually seventies music that she would play.

As I grow older this music brings me bittersweet nostalgic feelings and I wanted to create a shoot inspired by that, and by my vision of my mom growing up as a young girl in the seventies. I even made a list of songs by Elton John, Fleetwood Mac, Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, and Heart to make a "mood" playlist. Lastly, I was inspired by Donna in That 70's Show. She had that perfect seventies babe look down. Her style really gave me inspiration to do a shoot displaying unique seventies silhouettes. Overall I wanted to create a feeling of warmth, nostalgia, and young, angst-y happiness in my photographs.

Q: What's it like living in a creative hub such as New Orleans?

A: It is inspiring. Everything here has soul and life to it. The nature, the architecture, the culture, the music, and of course the beautiful people. I can walk down the same street ten times and still find something new and beautiful to take inspiration from each time. The colorful architecture alone inspires my work immensely. There are so many other talented artists to meet and collaborate with, too. There is a never ending sense of creativity here, and I am and will always be in love with New Orleans for that. This city has given me so many creative opportunities. Not a lot of places can give that kind of happiness and fulfillment to someone. It is very special to me.

Q: What do you hope the rest of 2017 holds for your photography career?

A: Growth - which sounds cliche, but I will never stop learning new things about photography. I hope to see myself working with more local vintage clothing shops for collaborative projects. I also hope to be able to travel more and meet some new faces to photograph. I will be acquiring a studio space soon which I am very excited about! I always say that as I grow, my work grows with me- and I firmly believe that. It's only uphill from here.

We want to thank Shelby for taking the time to answer our interview questions and encourage you to check out more of her wonderful work via her website, or by following along on Facebook and Instagram (@shelbyuuu). Enjoy!


Full credits: Photographer: Shelby Ursu | Model: Sarah Hangartner | MUA: Artistry by Camille | Production Assistant: Caroline Zemp | Wardrobe provided by: Lily and the Lamplight, American Apparel, Motel Rocks, Anthropology, Bow Shoe Shoe, Seychelles, + Moments of Pleasure Vintage