17 Smart House-Moving Hacks

Moving house is something that fills most people with dread.

Of course, once you are in your new home, there is nothing but sheer bliss and excitement, but getting there seems to be a different matter entirely. Your to-do list is never-ending, nothing runs smoothly, and you seem to have boxes coming out of your ear lobes. However, it does not need to be that way! We have plenty of amazing house-moving hacks that will make the process much easier, so let’s take a look…

Cut holes in your boxes – Even Iron Man would suffer from an achy back following moving day. There is nothing worse than continual bending and lifting! To make the process easier, put triangle-shaped holes at both sides of a box, so you can slide your hands in and easily lift it.

Keep all of your liquids separate – It doesn’t matter whether it is perfume, dish-washing supplies, cleaning supplies, or a bubble bath set you received for Christmas, you should keep all of your liquids in a separate, plastic bin. Otherwise, you could end up with a lot of damaged goods if one of your liquids falls or spills while in transit.

Choose your moving home date with care – The date that you choose to move home makes a massive difference, especially if you are looking for a cheap removalist. You are much more likely to get value for money if your move midweek. Removal companies tend to charge less because of the fact that weekend removals are so popular, plus you won’t have to worry about your moving date already being fully booked out. Also, while bank holidays may seem like a convenient time for you to move; after all, you are off work, this is not always the best idea. Again, you will be charged a premium due to the sheer number of people that want to move on that day. Do the maths and find out what is going to be the cheapest option for you. Most people find that they save more money by actually taking a day off work and moving on a weekday instead. And, one final tip; try moving mid-month. You may also be able to save some money by going down this route, as most people tend to move around the 1st of the month.

Keep the front door open with a rubber band – This is another handy tip that will help to make the moving process a lot easier. Needless to say, you are going to be going in and out of your home a lot while loading up the van or truck. A good idea is to wrap a rubber band around one doorknob, and then stretch it and wrap it around the doorknob on the opposite side. This will make sure that your door does not accidentally slam shut, locking you out in the process.

Keep your clothes on their hangers and bag them up – It takes an awful lot of effort to take your clothes off the hanger, fold them up, and then hang them up again. You can make life a lot easier for yourself by simply grouping all of your clothes on hangers in bin bags, and then moving them in sections. So, have a number of hangers with your clothes on them, and then pull the bin bag from the bottom of your clothing to the top, and tie the knot around the hangers. The hangers will be peeking out of the top too, which will make it a lot easier for you to move your clothes around.

Use colour-coded labels – Another way to make the moving process a lot more straightforward is to use colour-coded labels, instead of going for the standard black and white options. This will help you to keep track of where everything is, and you will easily know what box is meant for which room.

Use soft items for padding – You will need to invest in some packaging materials, but you may not need as much as you think. This is because you are able to use soft items from around your home to efficiently and safely pack other items. This could be bed sheets, socks, towels, or any other plush item that will act as effective and free packaging material. Plus, this option is much better for the environment too.

Take photos of your electronic device set-ups – When you get to your new home, the last thing you want is a puzzle when it comes to putting the television together. Have you seen how many wires go in the pack of that thing? The best thing to do is take a photograph of the back of the television on your smartphone or any other device you have handy. This will make it a simple game of copying once you get to your new place, so you can keep the kids happy watching cartoons while you begin the fun process of unpacking or getting used to your new kitchen!

Use plastic storage bins for seasonal items – If you do not already have your seasonal items separated into a plastic bin, now is a good time to do so. This means that you will be able to simply transfer the plastic storage bin from your closet, to the removal van, to the basement in your new home. You don’t have to unpack the contents yet. After all, you don’t need the items right now, and there are so many other things to do.

Use foam plates to protect your china plates – A good way to ensure that your precious china plates do not chip or smash is to simply slide a foam plate in the middle. They are the perfect size, and they won’t take up much space either.

Get your hands on cheap/free boxes – Boxes can cost a small fortune when buying in bulk, which is why it is a good idea to explore other options that are available to you. Online auction websites may have boxes available at much cheaper rates, plus there may be a nearby hardware store or supermarket that is willing to give you a few boxes for free.

Keep bolts and screws organised – If you need to dismantle any of your furniture before you move, make sure you keep all of the loose bolts and screws organised. And, by organised, this doesn’t mean you should throw them all into a little pot together. Get some plastic bags, and keep all screws separate. Label them, so you know exactly what piece of furniture they are for, for instance, ‘wardrobe’ or ‘patio table.’ If you still have the instructions for putting the furniture together, put them inside the bag too. If not, take a look online to see if you can get your hands on them and print them off.

Get rid of loads of stuff – This is your perfect opportunity to get rid of the things you don’t use or need. Do you really need that T-shirt you bought five years ago that has holes in it? Now is the time to be brutal. You want your home to be elegant, comfortable, and relaxing. The last thing you want to do is simply move clutter from your old home to your new home.

Use egg cartons to transport your jewellery – Jewellery seems to be one of the worst things to transport. We have all been there; you go on holiday, and when you open your suitcase, your jewellery is all tangled. It is baffling to imagine how it got into such a knotted state! To ensure this does not happen when moving home, use egg cartons to easily transport your jewellery. Tape them shut to make sure nothing falls out. You can also pack your loose bracelets and necklaces using toilet paper rolls. Simply put one end through the middle of the roll, and then fasten the clasp.

Make a ‘first night’ box of essentials – When you arrive at your new home, it is unlikely that the first thing you will want to do is start unpacking everything. You will probably want to have something to eat, and you will want to relax after a stressful and tiring day. For this reason, it is a good idea to make a box of essentials for your first night. This can include your makeup, toothbrush, and some pyjamas, as well as anything else you think you will need to see you through the night and the morning.

Use wine cases for your glassware – There will surely be a local pub, winery, restaurant, or bar that is willing to give you some of their empty wine cases. This is a great way to keep your glasses organised. Plus, put in some scrunched up newspaper around each glass so that you can protect it.

Create a schedule – Last but not least, the best way to ensure you do not get overwhelmed is to create a schedule. Don’t forget to defrost and clean your refrigerator at least a day or two before you move. Otherwise, you will have a leaky and stinky fridge to compete with, and no one wants that!