How To Make Any Renovation Project Successful

Do you like to renovate? If you could, would you quit your job and become a professional?

Some people love it that much that they would answer yes to both of these questions. Others just can’t go five-minutes without having to make a change, especially if they are attempting to create their dream home. Regardless of why there is no doubt that renovating is an important part of adult life. As such, you want everything to go smoothly from the beginning to the end.

Unfortunately, projects have a way of going west for the even the most seasoned veterans. If you are a novice, this means that the chance of something going wrong is high, very high. Of course, it’s imperative that you avoid any mistakes at all costs, and the good news is you can. All you have to do is use the following advice to limit the damage. The great thing is that you can use it for any renovation, too.

Find A Perfect Property

It is an obvious statement to say you first need a property before you can begin to renovate. However, some people won't have a place yet who want to start renovating in the future. For example, those of you who are currently house hunting will need a lot of help when the mortgage is finalised. Or, there may be aspiring property investors who need to spruce up the place before they sell it on for a profit. Whatever the agenda, the house has to be perfect before you begin, which is why a new property launch is a good place to start. Not only is there variety, but the prices are also affordable. If the property isn’t up to scratch, there is no reason to renovate it in the first place as it will only cost you time and money. After all, DIY is useful but it can only cover so many cracks. Remember that a flaw like subsidence is too big to address when you are a beginner.

Plan Ahead

Once you have your blank canvas, it is time to start painting. But, before the brush touches the paper, you need a plan. Let’s face it – the great painters didn’t just throw colours around and hope for the best. Instead, they mapped out their vision in their head and used it as a guide to get them from A to B. A renovation is the same because it is an art form. Plus, there are too many variables that can cause problems to attempt to fake your way through the process. The key is to write down and draw everything that springs to mind when you think about the project. Start by sketching the final goal and listing the things you will need to make it happen. This technique helps to break down the process so that it isn’t as daunting. Also, when you go step by step, it is easier to cover all of the bases. Oh, and don’t forget about the budget. Renovations are not cheap, and a plan helps you stick to the financial plan.

Build A Bigger Budget

Let’s stay on the topic of a budget for the moment because it is important. The best thing you can do is create one as it ensures you don’t spend too much money. However, the figure you have in mind won’t be enough. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the initial budget is always wrong no matter what. That is because pretty much everyone tries to keep the cost low in the beginning. Then, half way through you will realise that you are idealistic. With this in mind, it is better to accept the truth now than to get toward the end and run out of cash flow. Quite simply, there is nothing more frustrating in life. So, the trick is to take your current financial plan and add more. Of course, there is no reason to go overboard because the project should be affordable. Still, an extra five to ten percent of the overall budget is going to be necessary as a general rule.

Don’t Do It Alone

Yes, the term DIY stands for do it yourself, but you shouldn’t take the meaning too seriously. Doing it yourself is perfectly acceptable when you are changing a light bulb or mowing the garden. When it comes to ripping out the bathroom and installing a new one, help is essential. To begin with, not too many amateurs know how to deal with a big renovation on their own. As a result, you will probably do more harm than good and have to hire help anyway. Plus, utilising a team helps the job go quicker. If you are renovating your bathroom, you don’t want to have to use next door’s shower for the foreseeable future! The problem is finding the people that you can trust to do a good job. Although it isn’t easy, it is possible with a selection of customer references as they are an unbiased source. Alternatively, you can ask friends and family to pitch in and roll up their sleeves. After all, many hands make light work.

Be A Good Boss

If you are going to hire help, please don’t be a tyrant. Sure, it is your image and you want to ensure it comes to life. But, these people are professionals and they deserve your respect. Anyway, there is a bigger chance of something going wrong if you are a bad boss. The key is to communicate clearly and effectively but to give them space to breathe. Of course, a regular meeting to talk about the project is also a great idea to keep everyone on the same page.

Make A Temporary Home

For the most part, a remodeller can take care of a job without bringing your life to a standstill. However, that doesn’t mean that there won’t be any interruptions during the process. For instance, it won’t be easy to cook meals while there is a team of people tearing down your kitchen. Obviously, you still need to eat, so you have to find a solution. Thankfully, the answer is simple: build a temporary kitchen. It doesn’t have to be top of the range because it is only temporary, but it does have to be functional. Then, you don’t have to worry about going hungry for a couple of weeks while the project is ongoing. This tip applies to any room in the house from the living room to the bathroom. For those of you that can’t live at home, try and find a cheap alternative like a static caravan.

Hire Storage

A bare house is a blank canvas that you can transform into something special. A home is a little different because it is already in your image, which means it has valuables. For obvious reasons, you don’t want anything to get damaged, so you have to move your belongings. Picture frames and clothes are easy to box up and store off site, yet bulkier items are not the same. Take a sofa. Because it is big, you can’t just put it in the wardrobe until it is time to move it back downstairs. What you have to do is find a place with enough space, which is where storage comes in handy. That way, you can move everything into a unit and leave it there for the duration. Then, it will be safe and secure and ready to come back home when the project is over.


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