Lifestyle Advice for the Lazy Girl

Until we are comfortable in our skin, the pressure to always look good will continue to apply.

Lazy girls might read this and think “It's just too much!” Don't worry, we’ve all thought at one time or another that applying makeup or picking the perfect outfit is simply more hassle than it’s worth. Readers who class themselves as 'lazy' will be relieved to know that looking and feeling great is achievable and doesn’t require that much effort at all.

How, you ask? We'll divulge our simple lifestyle advice below:

Spot-Concealing Blemishes

The term applies to women that use concealer to cover spots and pimples without applying a full-face mask. Sure, you’re a pro at adding a light coverage to your features because you have been doing it for a while. Still, the process can add valuable minutes on to a beauty schedule which take lots of women over the top. Plus, the idea of covering parts of the skin with unnecessary foundation sounds like hard work. Instead, get the trusty concealer brush and use it to target any spots that are extra angry. It takes all of two minutes and leaves the skin looking fresh and moist as there is no need to use too much slap. Keep the brush handy throughout the day and then top-up the base when it begins to fade.

Sponge Primer

In actual fact, the sponge has nothing to do with the primer. To be clear, a ‘primer’ is a base for a foundation that helps to apply a smoother base to the skin. As a result, the makeup lasts longer and doesn’t need constant touching up over the course of a day. So, what’s with the sponge? Well, it’s a basic piece of equipment that helps add the base to your face. With a damp sponge, makeup is miles easier to apply and doesn’t take as long to get just right. Also, it helps cut out steps that are simply not needed. There are plenty on the market, yet this Beauty Blender original makeup sponge seems to get plenty of positive feedback.

Two Days Before Tomorrow

You've probably heard this before, but removing yesterday’s makeup is essential for everlasting freshness. Gooey blobs of foundation and concealer are not a good look, plus there are longer lasting impacts such as cell damage to the skin and clogged pores. The good news is the process shouldn’t take long with alcohol-free baby wipes or cotton buds. Be sure to check they don’t contain alcohol because it’s bad for the skin. One quick scrub down with a wet wipe and you are free to dive into bed and get your beauty sleep. Eagle-eyed readers will have noticed the lack of moisturiser instructions, and here’s the rub: leave it alone before bedtime. Adding too much lotion during the day gives skin an oily and greasy appearance, both of which are far from fresh. Apply once in the morning and leave it for the rest of the day, unless the skin is dehydrated (or naturally dry) of course.

Cleaner Things

People will notice your face, but they also observe a person’s clothes too. We’ll move onto fashion tips later in the post, so for now, let’s start with the basics. Simply put, apparel has to be clean and free of marks when you step out of the house. When you are taking the time to look fresh for yourself, dust and dirt is the enemy. A Master Dry Cleaners service is always a savvy move for the lazy women because you essentially ask another person to take care of your laundry. There’s not much that is as bone idle! Obviously, money can play a factor so you may want to keep the washing duties in-house. In that case, load the machine and set it to a “cold wash”. That way, you can mix colours and whites without having to separate loads.

Outfit Rotation

What happens when we come home with bags full of shopping? We want to wear them as soon as possible. That means your new top and your fave dress are in rotation for weeks on end without a break. Not to burst your bubble, but they can soon get old and tired as a result and people will start to notice. What you want to do is keep them fresh and popping, and to do that you need to give them a break. As contradictory as it sounds, introducing old outfits back into the fold can add an element of glamour. For one thing, although it’s old it’s also new and exciting because it’s been in the closet for months. Plus, the current culture centres on retro and vintage gear and past clothes fit the bill perfectly.

Diet And Lifestyle

Unfortunately, quick fixes don’t apply to a healthy diet and a wholesome lifestyle. Sorry lazy ladies, but it takes a little bit of effort to regulate your daily habits. Before you become too disappointed, be aware that there are cheats. In fact, one facet of a modern diet is to have a “cheat day” as it lifts spirits and keeps you focused. There is research to suggest slacking off at the weekend can be healthy too. Exercise to harder to fool, but it’s still possible. A brilliant example is working out at home by climbing the stairs. You may also like to know that walking burns more fat than running.


This is a contributed article written for