When Is the Right Time to Redecorate?

We all get to the stage where we feel a bit bored and frustrated with our surroundings.

After all, you spend each and every day in your home, and so it is only natural that the coffee table you absolutely adored when you first bought it may have lost its charm by now. However, knowing when to decorate and what to change can be a big problem for a lot of homeowners. You don’t want to spend a fortune on your house when it is not required, yet you do need to upgrade your property at some point. So, when should you act, and how should you go about it? Read on to discover everything you need to know!

How often should you redecorate your home?

This all depends on the room in question. Rooms like the bathroom require a complete overhaul if they are to be changed, and so it is unlikely you will want to upgrade rooms like this very often. Nevertheless, a bit of paint certainly won’t hurt! In terms of your bedroom, most people will advise decorating this room at least twice in an eight-year period. This does not mean that you need to change your bedroom completely. You can simply tweak the colour scheme, the bedding, and your blinds or curtains. After all, your bedroom is a place that is supposed to provide solace and relaxation away from your busy lives, and so you need to be in a room that draws you in with lighting, textures, and colours. You may even need your bedroom to function in a different way than it used to, for example, if you start a family. Naturally, as your needs change, so too will your home, and this will involve a level of decoration. Nevertheless, on the whole, with all things neutral, upgrading your property every four years or so is a good idea.

Make small updates on a regular basis

While you do not need to completely redecorate your home for a good four years, it is important to keep on top of all of the small updates that are required. A bit of paint can go a very long way in terms of making your home feel fresh and revitalised. You will be surprised by just how much of a difference this makes. Consequently, painting your home every one or two years is definitely the best idea. Every year, you should take a look at your home and see if there are any ways you can upgrade it, or any pieces you need to add to your property.

Try to let go of the attachment you have to items

A lot of people have an attachment to their furniture and other items in their house and they do not realise it. This can result in your home looking fatigued, and as a consequence, you can end up feeling fatigued yourself. Instead, your living room because a place to sit, rather than somewhere to enjoy, and your bedroom becomes a place to sleep, rather than feeling like the peaceful haven it should. The attachments we form to furniture in our homes will create a tired and worn vibe in the end. So, how do you combat this? Every year, you should dedicate one day to going through absolutely everything in your home. Get rid of all of the things you no longer need. You will find that this is actually quite a therapeutic experience. If you find items that you are unsure about, keep a hold of them for a couple of months and then see how you feel. If you have not used the items within this space of time, it is a clear sign that you need to let them go.

Recognise when your house is causing you more stress than relaxation

Last but not least, a good time to redecorate your home is when it stops serving its purpose. Your home is designed to provide you with a place to relax. It is meant to be a peaceful and safe haven. However, if you walk through the door and your house makes you just as stressed as you were when you were at work, there is something wrong! This is a clear sign that you need to make some changes to your house. Firstly, it could mean that your house just is not comfortable anymore. You should look for ways to bring in more layers and textures. Secondly, it could mean that there is too much clutter. You have too many things in your house, and this is making it difficult for you to relax. There is nothing more stress inducing than having random things scattered everywhere. Lastly, it could simply be because your home is dated and so you do not enjoy being in it as much anymore. If this applies, it is time to redecorate your property in breathe some new life into it.

So there you have it: everything you need to know about when is the best time to redecorate your home, as well as some advice on how to go about it. Hopefully, you now have a better understanding regarding how regularly a property should be redecorated. You don’t need to spend a fortune on sprucing up your home, but a few upgrades here and there can make all of the difference.

.This is a contributed article written for WhimMagazine.com