6 Ways to Start Living Your Best Life

Helping your 'inner light shine bright' sets an example for others, and in turn their inner light begins to shine brightly too.

When you’re out living your best life, not only do you feel incredible and like your life has more meaning, you show other people how to live a life like this. We weren’t born to be miserable, or to pay bills and die! So, what can you do to get your inner light shining bright? Read on...

Start Eating Nutritious Foods

The foods we eat can directly affect our mood and how productive we are. If you’re not eating nutritious, colorful foods, then you’re probably going to feel sluggish and low. Try to make your meals more colorful. Sure, you can have a ‘treat’, but your main focus should be on eating things that support, fuel, and nourish your body. Watch how different you feel when you make changes to your diet. You should find you no longer experience that dreaded ‘afternoon slump’ and that you get more done during the day.

Do Exercise That You Enjoy

You don’t need to spend untold hours in the gym every day, but it’s important to note that humans weren't supposed to sit down all day either. Getting 10,000 steps a day is recommended - even people who go to the gym are advised to get 10,000 steps on top of this. Studies have shown that gym goers aren't as healthy as they think they are if they’re not getting the recommended number of steps, too. Aside from steps, why not try new classes and things until you find something that sticks? You could head to Arthur Murray Dance Studio to try out a dance class, see how you feel about yoga, or go for something really intense with weights. Challenge yourself and see what you enjoy doing most.

Smile At Strangers

Have you ever noticed that smiling at a stranger makes you feel good about yourself? It often makes the other person feel good for a while after too! Two people sharing a smile for no reason is a great feeling.

Pay It Forward

Next time you’re in line to buy a coffee, why not pay it forward? This is a great scheme that has come to light, and sometimes paying it forward can go on for so long because everybody wants to spread joy and kindness! If you prefer, you could just buy the person’s coffee in the cue behind you, or take one to a homeless person you may have spotted in the area.

Random Acts Of Kindness

Random acts of kindness can be anything, so use your imagination and do something that feels good to you. Some people like to leave dollar bills lying around in random places for people to find. Some people like to leave positive notes for people to find.

Share Your Gifts With The World

If you have a special talent, share it with the world. Sing, write, paint - share that gift. You have it for a reason!


This is a contributed article written for WhimMagazine.com