Interview: Amanda Thomas from 'Here Comes the Sun'

Sources: Here Comes the Sun

Whim Online Magazine was lucky enough to interview Amanda Thomas from the popular blog, Here Comes the Sun. Anyone familiar with Here Comes the Sun will know of the New Zealand blogger for her dreamy style and inspirational posts. If you haven't checked it out by now though, please do - we guarantee you'll be adding it to your favourites! You can also check out Amanda's shop, as well as her beautiful Instagram pictures.

Q: When did you first begin Here Comes the Sun?
A: I started my blog in 2008, so it's almost my 5 year anniversary! Time flies :)

Q: What first inspired you to create your blog?
A: I was in the middle of the busiest patch of my life. I was in the last semester of my degree, planning my wedding and beginning full time work. Life just felt like it was endless "to-do" lists and I wanted something creative to escape to.
Q: What opportunities has your blog opened up for you? Is there one in particular that is your favourite moment?
A: Blogging has been an amazing part of my life and it's opened so many doors for me. The best part is definitely the people that I've met but I've also been able to travel, work with brands I admire and learn new skills. I recently filmed a YouTube commercial so I'm quite excited to see it when it comes out!

Q: Describe an average day in the life of Amanda Thomas
A: At the moment I'm working for myself so a typical day involves a lot of time on the computer, meetings and lots of lists. And I always make time for running, cooking and spending time with my husband.
Q: Looking back on your blogging career so far, is there anything you would have chosen to do differently if given the chance?
A: I think I'd probably re-think the name. As much as I love the name Here Comes the Sun (it's one of my all time favourite songs), it's not ideal to be sharing Google search results with the Beatles. You can't really compete with the kings of pop!