An Interview with Featured Photographer Emily Toone


Emily Toone is just 18 years of age, but her passion for photography and her unique talent has allowed her to create one very impressive portfolio! Filled with dreamy and whimsical photographs of girls wearing flower crowns, soft pastel clothing and strings of roses draped around their shoulders, Emily Toone's photography contains all of the things we love.

Emily Toone explains, "I like to add a difference to my work, by working with concepts, themes or stories. I love to expose emotion in a very vibrant and whimsical way."

Whim couldn't pass up the opportunity to interview this blossoming photographer, and we're sure you will find her insights into her daily life and photography equally as inspiring.

Q: What feelings and ideas do you love to portray through your photography?
A: I am intrigued by human emotion and the capabilities of the human mind to influence everything in our world. Along with the natural influences found in the environment and how the things around us can shape our personalities. Through my work I aim to portray heightened emotions related to a certain theme or piece of inspiration. I love to illustrate everything in vibrant and highly saturated colour, to show a sense of freedom, that anything can happen and that anything is possible.
Q: What is it about photography that you are most drawn to and why?
A: I guess with photography I am drawn to the ability a single photo has to tell an entire story. Not only that but how each viewer of a photograph can then create their own story behind the image, because it can mean something different to every person. I think that with photography you can capture something, a single moment that most people would miss. I see it as if you were walking down a busy street nobody really looks at what is around them, but with photography you can show everybody what they are missing.
Q: What advice would you give to aspiring photographers?
A: This is a funny question to be asked as I still consider myself an aspiring photographer! But the best piece of advice I have been given would be to never stop shooting, just keep going, always have a constant flow of inspiration. Don't be afraid to put your ideas and work out there and trying new things. 
Q: Describe an average day in the life of Emily Toone?
A: An average day in my life includes a constant soundtrack of music, I find it one of the most inspirational things. Accompanying that my day usually includes a quick check of my social networking, train rides into the beautiful Melbourne city for university where I am surrounded by some of the most interesting and experienced people working within the industry. Time spent with family, friends loved ones, probably a sing along to Taylor Swift here and there. I guess it's just full of beautiful moments, moments that I try not to miss, each day is something you won't get back.
Q: Apart from photography, what would you list as the things you love?
A: Things I love.. music, polka dots, my iPhone.. wow that's materialistic! Spending time with the special people in my life, the ones who make you smile, reading, particularly old classics right now, anything from the 60's and 80's, markets, beaches.. I could go on.

If you would like to see more photography by Emily Toone, you can view her Facebook page or blog. Don't forget you can also follow either one to keep updated with her work!