An Interview with blogger Rebecca from The Cinnamon Slipper

If you haven't added The Cinnamon Slipper to your blog reading list yet, then you'll definitely want to after reading this post! Whim loves Rebecca's blog for her unique vintage-inspired style, positive outlook on life, and her fantastic photos that are popping with colour. Whim recently interviewed the up-and-coming blogger, and you can read her insightful answers below:
Q: How would you describe yourself in just three words?
A: Quirky, creative, bubbly
Q: Describe an average day in the life of Rebecca?
A: It varies really I might be working late in the afternoon so I have the morning to either sew any clothes or projects I'm currently working on, then go for a wander around where I love looking for new and beautiful locations to take photos of what I'm wearing that day.
Q: When did you begin your blog, and why?
A: I began my blog last May so The Cinnamon Slipper is just over a year old now. I always had people telling me I had a unique and interesting varied sense of style and that I should start a blog. I figured why not? I love being creative and my blog allows me to create my own little online world of my adventures,  projects and thoughts. It really  is the best thing I ever did. It has opened lots of doors and created lots of exciting opportunities ever since. 
Q: What is your most favourite thing about fashion - any particular styles or garments you adore the most?
A: My favourite thing about fashion is that you get to take what you want from it and turn it into your own personal style. I love expressing my different moods and ideas through clothing and creating a story. I have always had a fascination with the 50's. It's the most beautiful and feminine era of vintage for me. I love how you can put on a 50's dress and instantly transform yourself to a completely different time and feel simply fantastic.
Q: What do you hope to achieve in the near future – any exciting plans?
A: Being a freelance Television Presenter I hope to pin down a full time job where I get to travel and talk about all the things I love everyday. I also have plans to start an online shop alongside my blog selling handmade clothing with unique and retro prints!
If you would like to view The Cinnamon Slipper blog, you can do so here. You can also like the blog's Facebook page to keep updated with Rebecca's wonderful posts.