DIY Herb Garden

Source: Pinterest

So you’ve just moved out, you're independent and have an awesome little place all to yourself? What’s the downside? You’re limited on space.
Often when you make the move to finally stretch your wings and leave the nest, you land yourself in a place not much bigger than your old living room. But not to fear, we have a super crafty way to jazz-up your new surroundings without cramping the limited space you have.
With the new craze in clean eating and organic diets, more people are turning to growing their own herbs. Check out our 6 simple DIY herb garden ideas above that won’t break the budget! 

  • Ensure you check what requirements each specific plant requires; some need more water (and therefore drainage) or sunlight. So place them in a position that ensures you’re meeting all that little tasty friend’s needs!
  • You can find great mason jars online or from your local Typo store for as low as $3.95, and while you’re there, don’t forget to pick up some chalkboard paint to label everything so you know what you’re eating and don’t have any herby dinner disasters!
  • Some plants need more space than others, just as you have flown the coup to stretch your wings, let these little guys thrive in their new homes.
  • Check which soil is best for your preferred species, some require extra nutrients, just like us!
  • Last, but not least, enjoy the new tasty treats growing right on your doorstep!
- Bronwyn
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