Summer: A Photoshoot by Von Trapp Photography + an Interview with Photographer Lauren

Model: Tilly Gray 
H/MUA: Naomi Sprod
Stylist: Naomi Sprod
Filmographer: Ashleigh-Maree Connell
Creative Direction/Photography: Lauren White @ Von Trapp Photography

Lauren White is an aspiring fashion and portraiture photographer currently completing her second year at Raffles College of Design and Commerce. The talented photographer explains: "For me capturing photographs is more of a lifestyle than a job; I love meeting new people and making new connections every time I book a new shoot, whether it be with a model or a couple getting married or a family looking for their memories to be captured."

Lauren recently sent us this photoshoot and we were instantly blown away. Shot at Yarramundi Reserve in Western Sydney, the photoshoot seems to perfectly capture the typical hot and dry weather of an Australian Summer. Model Tilly is able to balance flower crowns and hats, (as well as keep the skirt of her dress down), whilst battling against unbelievable gusts of wind! 

Whim recently interviewed Lauren, asking her everything about photography to her typical day:

Q: When did you first discover your love of photography?
A: Funny enough, originally I chose photography in Year 11 as a class mainly just to fill up my timetable, but I never realised how much I would actually enjoy it. I was introduced to many different genres and different photographer's works, and started to gain more of a creative eye. By the end of my senior years I knew I wanted to pursue a career in fashion photography; I've been studying further, and photographing ever since :)

Q: What concepts or emotions do you often like to portray through your photography?
A: I'm usually very theatrical and themed in my work. If my work is 'Summer-based' I like an uplifted emotion, grace and sense of beauty. If I'm working with a darker concept with more mood, I like the idea of a more sultry or gritty feel. I like to think I'm very diverse, and can work with any concept or emotion thrown my way.

Q: What does an average day in the life of Lauren involve?
A: An average day in the life of Lauren if I'm not studying at college would include movies, literature and music. I use these mediums as a creative outlet, to find more ideas and concepts to work into my portfolio. Through this I've created a wide variety of series ranging from Fairytale themes, Hollywood, Musicals and even The Seven Deadly Sins.

Q: What is the best piece of photography advice you’ve ever heard or been given?
A: 'Less is more'. I've always been told that you don't have to go overboard in order to create the perfect image. Sometimes the most simplest of ideas can be the most effective :)

Q: What do you hope to achieve with your photography in the near future – do you have any exciting, upcoming plans?
A: I'd love to see myself collaborating with magazines and more up and coming models and designers/stylists in order to gain more exposure and make a name for myself. At the moment, I'm currently working on a massive series for my final year of my Bachelor; a Fairytale-based fashion series, inspired by the original writings of Hans Christian Andersen and Lewis Carroll. When shooting wraps up, this series will be a major accomplishment for myself - having carefully selected every model, prop, costume selection, hair and make-up in order to complete it. That will definitely be very exciting for me :)

To view more of Lauren's photography, you can have a look at her blog. You can also like the Von Trapp Photography Facebook page in order to keep up-to-date with the photographer's latest work.

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