An Interview with RAW Sydney Makeup Artist of the Year 2013: Anastasiya Galyeyeva

Anastasiya Galyeyeva is the founder of AG Makeup Studio, a company which specialises in fashion, special events, theatrical, television and film industry makeup. Anastasiya is also a certified professional makeup artist and hair stylist who was recently awarded the very prestigious title of RAW Sydney Makeup Artist of the Year.
Anastasiya's work is a true inspiration, and you can imagine how awe-struck we were when we viewed her impressive portfolio full of whimsical images and makeup which can truly be described as a work of art. The talented makeup artist explains the AG Makeup Studio philosophy, stating: "There are no two faces alike, nor truly a way to classify or categorise people’s unique and individual features. By understanding this, we are passionate about working with you and together discovering your perfect look, one that is all of your own and complements your individual beauty."
Whim recently chatted to the award-winning makeup artist to congratulate her on her recent RAW Sydney success, and to ask her all about her dreams for the near future:
Q: Congratulations on winning first place in the makeup artist category! Please tell us, what have you loved the most about your RAW Sydney experience?
A: Thank you! I absolutely loved the whole concept, you are united with a team from different creative backgrounds to create a project, but still you get to be a leader in your own field of work. I also loved the atmosphere of backstage, and especially, when our models were coming out on the podium. That was truly the most proud of myself I’ve ever felt!
Q: What was your initial reaction when you heard the news that you would go on to represent Sydney in your category?
A: I was completely over the moon! Even still, I can't quite believe I won!
Q: When did you first discover your love of makeup artistry?
A: It is very hard to tell. It would be fair to say that it was borne by a love of high fashion, which I’ve had for as long as I remember. Makeup became a way to be a part of it.
Q: What inspires your creativity the most?
A: My inspiration, without a doubt, is Femme Fatale. This character is represented by so many models, singers and actresses in numerous works of art, films, music and fashion. My inspiration board is pretty much flooded with their images. This is a woman, who is very strong, confident, independent and extremely seductive, without trying to be so. This is where my love to "smudge" and "messy" is coming from, because it screams confidence to me. I guess this shows the message I am trying to deliver with my work. I want to remind women to love themselves, that they are strong and that they are not victims but queens of their lives in fact.
Q: What do you hope to achieve with your makeup artistry in the near future – are there any exciting, upcoming plans that you would like to share with us?
A: I would love to go further into creating fashion / art projects, where not only my makeup skills would be involved, but also art direction, styling and definitely photography. And to be absolutely ambitious, being recognised internationally! My biggest aspiration for the near future would be to go to one of the world’s fashion capitals and work together with the fashion stars there, learning from them and then bring all the knowledge and experience back here.
To see more incredible makeup artistry by Anastasiya Galyeyeva, you can head on over to the AG Makeup Studio website or Facebook page. You can also support emerging artists by 'liking' the RAW Sydney and RAW Australia Facebook pages.

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