An Interview with Filmmaker Babi Bertoldi

Fashion Designer: Matheus Pedrosa
Film Director: Barbara Bertoldi
Casting: Aruan Viola and Vitor Aiolfi

"The cure for anything is salt water; sweat, tears, and the sea," states the description of Babi Bertoldi's short film titled 'All you need is salt water'. Dreamy, serene and quirky are just three words which can be used to describe Babi's short fashion film made for the Mermaid Market collection. Whim recently spoke to the talented 22-year-old to ask her all about her love of fimmaking and her dreams for the not-too-distant future:
Q: When did you first discover your love of film-making?
A: After living a year abroad in Denmark, I returned to my home country and had an interesting period of self-discovery. In that period I shot several experimental films, that fulfilled my expectations of art in general.
Q: What concepts and emotions do you often like to portray through your work?
A: I have always been intrigued by people's minds, melancholy combining aesthetic shots. I like to keep the concept of the film as a dream, where nothing really makes sense and the stranger it gets the more our minds are involved.
Q: Please tell us a little about the experience you had whilst filming 'All you need is salt water'?
A: It was beautiful. We shot it in the middle of winter at a secluded beach in the south of Brazil. The Initial idea was to combine an ecological clothing brand, designed by Marcianito. It reflected the Nordic European culture entwined with the sea. As we both lived in Denmark together we understood a bit of the Scandinavian melancholy. It brought us back to our roots in which we first met. 
Q: What advice would you give to those who are wishing to pursue film-making?
A: First of all, grab a camera and play around with it, don't hesitate to shoot the oddest scenes with your friends, it's a great way free your mind and learn from editing. If you feel passionate, go for it. The industry has a lot to offer and independently you can reach far, from reuniting people with the same interest.   
Q: What do you hope the near future holds for your career as a filmmaker - Do you have any exciting, upcoming plans that you would like to share with us?
A: I have been working on a independent long-metrage film shot in Italy last year. I wrote the script for over 10 months and presented to a few directors who helped me with story the process. We reunited actors from London, Australia and Italy, who offered to participate in a $0,00 budget film, which made it very interesting. People were giving in their time and believing in the project. The film is in post-production right now and hopefully on its way to great independent festivals all over the world. Another experimental short-film will be in exhibition in Curitiba-Brazil at the museum Oscar Niemeyer at the beginning of May. 
To view more short films by Babi, you can visit her Vimeo profile. Babi is also a very talented photographer, and you can view more of her images on her website. Enjoy!
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