An Interview with Julia Rose from 'Flowers By Julia Rose'

Source: Julia Rose

When it comes to floral design and arrangements, Julia Rose is certainly leading the pack. Not only was Julia Rose the guest designer to open last year's International Fashion Week and the exclusive designer featured for the opening night of the Gold Coast QT Fashion Week, but she was also selected as the judge's favourite artist at the RAW Nationals in 2014. If that wasn't enough, Julia Rose's other impressive achievements include having her floral headpieces and dresses featured on ABC News, fashion TV and runway highlights - Her work is incredible!

Whim recently had the amazing opportunity of interviewing the award-winning and talented floral designer, and we hope you find both her work and her insightful answers as inspiring as we did!


Q: When did you first discover your love of creating floral designs?  

A: My love of flowers stems from my Grandmother's Garden, spending hours amongst the flowers and herbs. Playing inside of the cavernous branches of the beautiful Hydrangea, picking one of my Grandfather's Prized Roses to carry around with me all day.. just enjoying its sweet perfume, relocating snails out of the garden & worms into the garden! And most of all being taken to have my flowers read at the local Church Hall, I was amazed that a simple flower could behold so much knowledge.

Q: What inspires your creativity the most?

A: Working with flowers - I would have to say my number one inspiration would have to be “Nature”, really, it's plain and simple. Who can create anything more perfect then Mother Nature herself?  I am inspired by walking through the bush and seeing a tree with vines twisting to the skies, moss growing in shadowed branches, fields of fresh flowers, driftwood along the shorelines of our beautiful beaches and sunsets painted into the evening skies.

Q: We understand your floral designs have won numerous awards and you've been involved with some amazing events and opportunities. Has there been one achievement in particular that has just completely blown you away?

A: I love my dress that is my favourite as it is my first piece, like a first love it will always hold dear to my heart. However I must say I keep improving and I do honestly love all of my pieces.....ALL of my creations are my favourite!! As no two are the same, they are all equally stunning and loveable (by me anyway)

Q: Please describe for us an average day in the life of Julia Rose?

A: Depends on what type of day it is, however I would say the one stable every day without fail is lucky to involve nature in some way, whether it is collecting fire wood in the paddocks, unpacking flowers for an upcoming event, taking the pup to the beach or transforming a space with fresh flowers. I am surrounded by little animals living on a farm, from chickens free ranging to cows in the paddocks. But the honest truth of it all is that most days I work long hours on days of events I can work from 4am through till midnight, I can have to do this for three or four days in a row. So by the time I am finished then my natural surroundings are so very appreciated.

Q: What do you hope to achieve with your floral designs and career in the not-too-distant future - Do you have any exciting upcoming plans that you would like to share with us?

A: I see my business (brand) booming with international renown. I will be known for the quality and uniqueness of my work, easily recognizable by its branding, wow factor, opulent and over the top extravagance with a natural allure. I envisage people wearing my fresh floral gowns as wedding dresses!! What a gorgeous way to go, the beauty of the bride will be intensified by the beauty of the fresh flower gown. I have LOTS of exciting things coming up over the next few months, just to name a few I will be creating a new collection to open the runway at International Fashion Week I am so excited!! It WILL be amazing!! Cairns city festival has created a space for me to transform with a large fresh floral installation for their city festival. I am travelling to Queensland with a Floral Roadshow.  I have started running my own floral workshops where ladies can come along and create an over-the-top floral crown each, plus a natural look table centre piece complete with a vase, we brunch & have little giftbags....a wonderful girly flower-filled type of day where everyone can get creative.


We highly encourage you to view Julia's floral masterpieces, as we gurantee they will blow you away with their beauty! You can visit Julia's website here, and please don't forget to show her some love by 'liking' her Facebook page and following her work on Instagram (@flowersbyjuliarose) - Enjoy!